Chapter #15

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"Talking" 'thinking' *sign language/jsl*

"Hheehee I know your excited Izuuuuu~"
Ami giggles

Izuku shuggs.
"Why would I be excited?"

"Are you kidding me? THE ENTRANCE EXAMS ARE IN AN HOUR!"

A couple days have past of planning and work and then more planning and work, Izuku was a little excited but not for the reasons Ami hoped.

Okami's big anniversary starts the same week as the entrance exams.

Weird coincidence but it works.

He didn't see any issues with them both being on the same week, once again he didn't see any problems. . . Well maybe one or two.

If the teachers get suspicious of his fighting style and apparent experience then they might y'know do something that they shouldn't do.

"I should get going-"



"Let me drive you!"


"Okay were here,"

Ami had this worried look on her face like she was guilty about sending him here, or that's what Izu wanted it to be, he thought that maybe it would finally hit her that this was a bad idea. Then they would go home and forget this ever happened.

"Are you gonna, y'know talk to the other kids? I don't want you to just avoid them because of what happened"

"*sigh* yeah I'll, I'll try to talk to them."

He was actually pretty upset at what she said, she knows that Izu has selective mutism but she still pushes him to speak even when he physically cannot. But thanks to Ami and the cafe, it's so much easier to talk to adults.

I guess pushing him isn't so bad.

Well anyway he should just ignore that, it's not important, what is important is getting in and out of here before anyone tries to talk to him.

Despite it being really early, the entrance was packed. But he wasn't going with most of the kids. Ami was stupid and got him a recommendation.

He should just get out of the damn car and go make himself invisible in the crowd.

"Y'know how you said you didn't want to be a recommended student? Well I talked to nezu about it and we took away your recommendation so you don't have to worry about that, okay?"

Izuku looked at Ami a little surprised, he didn't actually think that she would do something like that.

"Thankyou Ami, I really appreciate that."
Ami smiled and started pushing him out of the car.

"YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE!!! Bye Izu have a nice day, you too milo!"

Oh yeah, impossible to be invisible with a 70 pound huskie at your side with the the label service dog plastered on every inch of him.

Hopefully people won't ask too many questions or try to pet him too much.

This is the first time milo has been in a place like this, but Izuku thinks he can handle it.

Well moving on, he didn't expect Ami to get him off of the reccomended list but here we are.

He can just get zero points and not get in right? Yeah it doesn't cost any money to try out to go here so it should be fine.

He just can't get into any of the hero classes. Maybe one of the other ones but not hero. It would be way too risky.


Vigilante Okami (Izuku Midoriya) (Discontinued, New Book Coming Soon)Where stories live. Discover now