Chapter #6

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It was now the end of the long work day 1:30 PM.
Ok he can admit it wasn't that late in the day but oh my god was it tiring especially when you dont have people skills.

He was wiping down the last few tables when Ami came up behind him and put an arm on his shoulder.

"Sooo what high school are ya goin' too?"

She always did this. She knew Izuku had finished university and she still brought up going to high school, why?

Because of the high school ^experience^

"For the last time I am not going to go to high school. 1: I don't need to. 2: Kids are mean. 3: I have a job during school hours. 4: I am bad at people skills."

She has to admit that those were decent reasons not to go to school but she still needed him to at the least get some human interaction.

Then she got an amazing idea.

"Be a teacher's assistant!"

Let's just say Izuku couldn't prosses and analyze what she just said to make a proper response. He was not prepared for this.

So Ami the amazing person she is preceded to talk about her idea.

"Just think about it! You get a job as a teacher's assistant so you have a job that pays better than my cafe. The kids will respect you for being a T.A. you can do part time here after school if you want and Milo can go anywhere since he is a service animal. Since you have him and your meds I think you can handle minimal interaction with people. You can even get better at socializing isn't that great!"

The brocolli was not happy with this idea to him it was a stupid idea to even mention.

"Oh um no. Teacher's assistant? No school would accept a teen with mental problems that could lead him to spiral by a kid unknowingly talking about something that is a trigger and the selection of those are very wide.

One of them is loud noises. Kids and loud noises are best friends.

My meds only help with functioning and Milo gets me out of bed every morning.

What you said about being paid more, I don't care about that I enjoy my hours here and I don't want to change that.

Overall I am not mentally ready to handle going to a place like that."

Izuku was very unimpressed by what she said. It was futile. He couldn't even add any humor.

Yes he was that unimpressed.

Ami looked at him and sighed.

"Izu I know I'm nagging and pushing you about this, I just want you to make some friends and try to have a little normality in your life."

"Normality? Never heard of it before."

Ami glared at him and went to go close the shop.

"Izu you have to at least make one friend and you are grabbing dinner from here tonight."

Izuku thanked her and grabbed one of the sandwiches they made in the morning.

After Ami and him were done closing the store and put the cats in their room with food they went their separate ways.

Izuku took a little detour with Milo. He usually did this because during the day Milo didn't get a lot of free time, so going on a 30 minute walk helped drain some energy.

When they got home izuku threw the sandwich in the fridge for later and went over to a wall.

Why did he go over to a wall?

So he could get to his lab of course.

The only way that you can access this room is by teleportation or a fazing type quirk and knowing exactly where it is. It's not on the blueprints of the condo's so it was the perfect place for his vigilante shtuff.

He wanted to change something he has been thinking about for a while.

He wanted to not smell like smoke and pumpkin spice. He went over to a copy of his suit and worked his magic.

He doesn't even know how he did it but while wearing the suit he will now smell like vanilla. Only when you are close to him of course but that's beside the point.

'What time is it I should probably go to bed.'

Our bean looked at the time and it said 5:48 pm. Since he wakes up at one in the morning he goes to sleep or af least try's to sleep at 5.

So he put down his costume and went to bed.

His sleep was littered with nightmares.

Not about his home but the lab.


Izuku was sitting on the cold concrete. His sell was about as big as a bedroom but nothing was in it, only a chain that wrapped itself around Izuku's neck creating deep gashes from the oddly sharp metal.

The room was painted in dried blood splatters and where the boy was sitting only a dried pool of blood that would get painted over with the same substance later in the night- or day he didn't know.

All he knew is that when the man came in he would get cuts on old scars and one cut on his forearm. After the man was done with his torture izuku sat there frozen in fear remembering everything.


This nightmare repeated itself almost every single night.

He would wake up crying and sweating.

Good thing Milo was there he would not survive without that dog.

He did get curious to why the man cut his arm like that.

On the day he left home he counted all the scars and ended up with.

208 scars

One week one new cut.


Oh this was a pain to write but I am waiting to write the next chapter. I have ideas that I am probably going to forget.

( Um I'm the future I did forget this idea. I'm sad. It was a good one too. Oh well.)

Anyways chapters are hopefully gonna be longer. . . I hope.

I might change how I do things like not do multiple POV. Anymore and just do me explaining what is happening. If you guys dont like this change then tell me or idk. It doesn't bother me writing other Pov's but I find it odd writing it from Eraserhead's or Ami's view for example.

I'm sorry if this chapter sucks I was kinda to full of ideas to formulate a chapter that made sense so now it's boring. Heh well

it is what it is

Good bye my beautiful statues

- MANIQUIN out. . .

Vigilante Okami (Izuku Midoriya) (Discontinued, New Book Coming Soon)Where stories live. Discover now