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"Why would you blind fold me man. you know I hate it, if I can't see' I say bumping into something.

"We are almost there dont worry just a few more steps" Emerson tells me holding my waist from behind and guiding me.

I continue tripping on hard things but I cant tell if they are rocks or something else equally hard.

We come to a halt and I smelt nature. "I am going to remove the blindfold" Emerson says and I can't believe what my eyes are showing me.

"We are  here to conquer your fear of heights we are bujee jumping" Emerson tells me.

"No Em No I cant do this" I say hyperventilating and feeling  like I am going to pass out.

"Okay breath Tomas" Emerson says calming me down and rubbing his arms on my sides.

I tried to calm down but my body was rejecting all my efforts to try and calm down.  Emerson could see that I wasn't going to calm down anytime soon.

"Let's take a walk around the park" he says.

"Sorry I am ruining your suprise I know how hard you work to plan this" I tell him as we walk through a rose garden.

"Look its also my fault for not asking if you wanted to do it so I am also sorry" Emerson says..

I feel sorry for Emersin because I could see that he was heart broken so I decided to swallow my pride and go bungee jump

"Emerson let's go back I think I am ready to do it".I tell him and his face lights up. My heart warms seeing his big smile.


We both jump down and admire the beauty of candad nature and the water fall. "how scary was that tomas"  Emerson asks me.

"It was so exhilarating and the adrenaline oh my word babyyyyyy" I say to him holding his hand. " So you can tick that off your bucket list, you finally faced your fear face to face" Emerson tells me kissing me.

"lets go get icecream I need energy my blood sugar is shook after that jump" Emerson says.

We walk passed a garden that has beautiful Roman statues and they are draped in different type of flowers and trees.

"This is a cute place for a matrimonial ceremony babe" I tell him. "You are already thinking about getting married Tommy ? " he asks me laughing.

"I mean not getting married now but in the near future" I tell him and  he blushes. "So are you saying Mr jonson would love to walk down the isle soon" Emerson says to me.

'Yea to get married to you" I tell him kissing his cheek and running to the Ice cream store.

"what flavor ice cream can I get you two today" the old nice lady asks me.

"I want a vanilla and lime and a strawberry and add ice cream sauce" I tell him.

"What about you sir' she asks Emerson who is still panting from running after me.

"Can I get a chocolate and vanilla cup with sprinkles" Emerson says.

After a few minutes of the lady gave us our ice cream and we went to sit over at the fountain.

"Thanks for helping me get over my fear of heights" I tell Emerson. " its the least I could do after you took me to that haunted house last year" he tells me

"My fear is something common but Nigga you are scared of a haunted house"I tell him laughing.

" Tomas you don't know what I went through living in my family's house that shit was haunted literally baby" Emerson tells me.

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