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Emerson P.O.V.

We pull up at Anthony's apartment building and both him and baby Jayden were both sound asleep.

"LJ come and get the baby and take him up to the apartment" I tell him hanging up and he makes his way from my car.

"Is he asleep" he asks me taking the baby. "Yeah he is, the door keys are in the side pocket of his baby bag" I tell him.

I wait till he has entered the building before waking up Anthony.

"Where is my son" he asked me immediately waking up.

He began getting worried and on the verge on  tears.

"Hey,hey listen Jayden is already in the house,I got LJ to take him up" I tell him as he calms down.

I smile thinking about how worried he got just because he couldn't feel his son in his arms.

"Why you smiling" Anthony asks me.

"Its nothing, can you walk on your own or do you need my help" I ask him.

"I can walk on my own" he says getting out of the car. "So do you always drive yourself from your appointments" I ask him as we enter the elevator.

"I mean on days where I am in too much pain. I get an uber black" he tells me.

"So no one to takes you and fetches you from your appointments" I ask him as my phone vibrates.

"you need to answer that, it could be important" Anthony says.

"Nah it's my mom  she is prolly wondering where I am" I tell him.

The doors open and LJ is dancing around the place like he wins it. He has Drake on full blast and he can't even see us.

Anthony clapped his hands and the music stops and he slowly turns around.

"You really made yourself at home  in my apartment" Anthony days.

"Sorry yall were taking long and well I was bored and drake just released a new song so...." LJ says

"it's no problem, thanks for putting my son to sleep" Anthony says.

LJ is surprised that Anthony is not chewing off his head like he has always done since high school.

"I will be in the car and thanks for not allowing me dance around" Lj says leaving and looking at ne weirdly.

"Okay, so I see Latrell hasn't changed much since high school" Anthonyvsays as we go to his bedroom.

I checked.

"Yeah the same goofy guy" I tell him.

"You remember when you used to be your hype man and would call people when you two were a group ." Anthony says.

"Oh yeah and he would jump up and down just so people would give him attention" I say tucking Anthony in.

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