CHAPTER 10:Hendrik Hello

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Melanie .P.O.V.

I heard the car park outside the foyer and I wondered who could be arriving this early in the morning.

I grabbed my salad and heard car keys falling onto the ground and It was Emerson taking off his shoes before going upstairs.

"Where were you" I say and Emerson looks startled. "Is Tomas still asleep" he asks diverting the question.

"Dont do that, Where were you Emerson" I ask him sounding sternly.

"I was going to refill the cars gas, So is he still asleep" he asks me.

"I am hungover and hungry but I think he is still passed out on the couch" I tell him.

He thanks me and goes upstairs to where his bedroom was. One thing l known is that I maybe drunk but I know when someone is lying.

Also Emerson smelled like a baby and there was q different perfume smell laced in the baby smell.

I went back into the lounge and fell asleep holding my salad that I had forgotten why I got it in the first place.

"Stop snoring Tomas" I say pushing him and he was not responding so I just slept through the sound of a tractor.

"WAKE UP, WAKE UP" my uncle Stephen shouted and he had the sirine on and my head was pounding.

"Stop that sound" Tomas says closing his ears. "Get up its 9am in the morning and yall are FUCKEN Drunk" uncle Stephen says.

"Why would you kids go and drink like liquor is getting banned from the world" Kelly says.

"UNCLE STEPHEN if you don't switch off that sirine I will shove it very far up your ass" Jonathan says coming down the stairs and plopping himself down on the couch.

"Is the Sirine necessary mom" Emerson says holding back puke.

"Okay since everyone is here and awake, Kelly and Bradley take adrian to have breakfast" My parents as well as adrian go sit by the patio while we sit in the lounge.

"You five are going to have my famous detox smoothie" Uncle Stephen says. "How does one alcoholic help other alcoholics it doesnt make sense" I say.

We all follow Uncle Stephen to the back yard and our mom is eating while watching us and my dad is standing by the pool.

This is the first time my parents are not talking to each other and you can actually cut the tension with a knife that's how thick the tension was between the two of them.

"yondra my smoothies, uncle Stephen yells" A trolly with five green coloured drinks stopped infront of us.

"Uc what is this shit" Jonathan asks him covering his nose.

"it's a gift of mine to help yall get rid of your hangovers" he says and has each one of us our own green smoothie.

"know yall will drink allat that it smells bad but it yall sober up" he says.

I looked as everyone and decided to lead by example and I drank mine first.

it tasted like grass and spinach and apple vinegar cider with a dash of raw eggs.

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