
I have to admit that I wasn't thinking about falling in love, nor was I thinking about having a kid.

I really wasn't. I had good friends, a great job, and a nice little apartment. I lived with my twin brother Grayson, and it was nice. Of course he got on my nerves, but he's my brother and I love him.

I had just turned 25 years old. Grayson's life was starting to be on the move. He had just gotten engaged to his girlfriend Alyssa. They just bought a house, so Grayson was moving out soon. I was looking for a roommate for his half of the rent, but I wasn't in a rush to find one either.

My life was normal. Routine I'd say. Work, hanging out with my friends, and occasional hookups. I was young. 25 years old, but maybe it was time I stepped up. My twin brother was engaged, and now it was time for me to start settling down.

I just had no clue that the girl was hiding in plain sight.



"Hey, are you ready to go?"

I turned to the doorway of my room, where Olivia was standing. "Yeah. I just have to get my shoes on."

"You look pretty, Em."

"Thanks, Liv. You do too."

She smiled. "Tonight's gonna be fun." She said as we walked out of my room and towards the front door. I slipped my vans on before grabbing my jacket, and then Olivia locked the apartment behind us as we walked out.

We were heading over to Alyssa's for a game night with our friends. Alyssa wasn't just Grayson's fiancé, but she was also Olivia's cousin.

Then there was Ethan, who was Grayson's twin brother, and my guy best friend. He was quite honestly one of my favorite people, and it was nice to have someone to hang out with when Alyssa and Olivia were being coupleish with their significant others.

Olivia had been dating Adam for a year now. He was a nice guy, and Liv really liked him. I was happy for her.

Olivia and I got into my car, and I drove us the ten minutes to Alyssa's place.

We went in, and Olivia went straight to Adam. I had to stifle a laugh as I put my jacket away. They were still in their obsessed with each other phase.

"Hey, Emma." Alyssa said, giving me a hug.

"Hey. How are you?"

"Good. What's new with you? I haven't been able to see you and Liv much lately."

"I'm good. Nothing new really."

"Emmo!" I heard. I laughed as Ethan pulled me into his arms. "What's up, girl? I haven't seen you in two whole weeks!"

"Hi, Ethan. I've just been working and hanging out with Liv." I said, hugging him back. He pulled away and chuckled.

"Come on, I have something you need to try."

I followed Ethan into the kitchen, where Grayson was snacking on some pretzels. "Hey, Emma."

"Hey. How are you?"

"Good. What have you been up to?"

I chuckled. "Just work and watching Big Brother."


"Emma." Ethan said. "You gotta try this wine we got. Grayson, where are the glasses?"

Grayson got up from his seat at the island and walked over to the cabinet before handing Ethan and I two glasses.

Ethan was right. This wine was delicious. Throughout our semi-monthly friends game night, I might've drank a little bit too much of it.

Olivia went home with Adam, and I wasn't in any condition to drive, so Ethan drove me home.

He pulled the car into my apartment's parking lot, and parked the car. "Emma?"


"Do you mind if I crash on your couch? I don't feel like driving home."

"E, you don't have to ask. It's not like anyone else is crashing on my couch."

He chuckled. "You never know." He teased. I laughed, gently hitting him on the arm.

"Come on. Let's go."


A few minutes later, we walked into my apartment, and I put my keys on the counter before putting my jacket in the closet. I grabbed Ethan a pillow and a couple of blankets before helping him set up the couch.

There was a fold out bed, and that always came in handy if a friend needed to stay over.

I was still tipsy, so Ethan did most of the work setting up the bed. Then he thanked me as he laid down, and I sat down next to him.

"You comfy?"

He laughed. "Yes, Emma."

That made me giggle. I really was a little too tipsy. "Good." I said, looking into his eyes. Maybe it was the drunkenness, or maybe it was the truth, but something gave me the urge to kiss him.

The way he was smiling at me, and the way he made me laugh. He was my best friend.

Emma, go to your room and sleep.

"I should go to sleep." I whispered.

I could've sworn that Ethan was staring at my lips. "Yeah." He said.

"Goodnight." I said.

"Goodnight, Emma."

I finally got away from the temptation that was his soft looking lips, and I locked the door when I went in my room.

I took a cold shower to sober up, I washed my face, brushed my teeth, put some sweats and an old t-shirt on, and I drank a full bottle of water.

I fell asleep wondering what would've happened if Ethan and I would've kissed. Would we have stopped there? Would we have hooked up?

He was just one of my best friends, but I found myself wondering what it would be like if we had something casual together. Maybe I was still drunk, but it didn't stop me from wondering.

After all, he was pretty attractive. I'd never thought about it in an in-platonic way, but I told myself just to go to sleep and to stop thinking about that damn dark brown hair I wanted in between my fingers. And my thighs.

Damn it, Emma. Go to fucking sleep.

I'm not gonna remember these thoughts tomorrow. I'll be fine.

I'll be fine.

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