
Emma was in the bathroom for a while, and she only said she was going to the bathroom really quick.

So, I knocked.

"Emma? You okay in there?"

I heard a couple of sniffles. "Yeah. You can come in if you want."

I slowly opened the door, and there she was sitting against the bathtub. Tears in her eyes, and mascara smudges right under them.

"What's wrong?" I asked, reaching for her hand. I helped her up, and then pulled her into a hug.

"Nothing's wrong." She said, pulling away.

Holding up a pregnancy test, she smiled. "I'm pregnant."

I immediately pulled her back into my arms, lifting her up and spinning around. "We're having a baby?"

She laughed. "We're having a baby."

I took a huge breath, breathing Emma in as I buried my face into her neck. It had been nearly three and a half months since we've even started trying for a baby.

I knew Emma was close to wanting to stop trying because it hadn't worked yet.

But it finally did, and hearing Emma say that we finally succeeded after many failed trails and attempts was the greatest feeling in Earth.

"I love you so much." I said.

"I love you too." She said.

"Should we go out to dinner tonight?" I asked.

Emma nodded. "Can we get Mexican food?"

"Whatever you want, we can get, babe."

She smiled. "Good because I've been craving supreme nachos all day."

"Pregnancy cravings already?"

She laughed. "I guess that's what you can call it."


There we were, in a booth at a Mexican restaurant, and eating some great food. I was so happy. I knew Emma was too, and that made me even happier.

Emma took a bite of her loaded nachos. "Mmm. This is amazing. Thanks for saying yes to Mexican food."

I chuckled. "Hey, that's what you wanted. I wasn't gonna say no to you. You're my girl. The only time I'll ever say no to you is to protect your well being."

She smiled. "That's what I love about you."

"I care about you so much. I never want to see you get hurt. I'm gonna do my best to make sure you stay safe and healthy, and happy."

"Wanna know something?" she asked.


"You're the best boyfriend I've ever had."

I smiled. "Really?"

"Yeah. You treat me with love and respect, and you're my best friend. You always make me happy and it's so easy to be comfortable with you, and my self worth has improved by being with you."

"Emma, that makes me so happy to hear. I love you, and I'm really glad that you feel that way. I always hope that I'm treating you right."

She smiled again. "You're so amazing to me."

"You're amazing to me too, babe. Even just the fact that you were willing to have a baby with me before we were even a couple is incredible. You were willing to do that as my friend. Now that we've been together, I can't imagine being with anyone else. I just feel like ever since then we clicked, and nothing will ever feel like this with anyone else. You're the person I wanna be with."

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