
The days passed, and before we knew it, I was halfway through the pregnancy.

Ethan and I were falling deeper and deeper in love by the second, and he was taking such good care of me. Making dinner, helping me with laundry, bringing me snacks I was craving in the middle of the night, giving me shoulder massages, and simply knowing what I needed without having to ask.

Every night as we laid in bed, he'd spend about half an hour just talking to my little baby bump. We found out we're having a little boy, so he would always sit there and talk to him through the bump. It was adorable.

Ethan always told the baby that they were gonna be best friends, and how he was going to teach him how to fix cars, and talk to girls, and everything he would need to know about sports.

What warmed my heart the most was when Ethan told the baby how amazing he thought I was. Telling him all about me, and telling him the things he loves about me.

I love Ethan so much.

We developed a routine together, making time to spend with our friends or families, but taking time for just the two of us too. We found the perfect balance of work and play, finding efficient ways to keep our place tidy and clean, and not letting laundry or dishes build up.

Ethan was getting really excited about the baby, starting to grow out his facial hair. Alyssa and I found it funny that Ethan and Grayson were both doing the same thing.

The twins were also getting into arguments over baby names that Alyssa and I both didn't like anyway, but we found it comical.

I'm pretty sure by now I've eaten at least five years worth of cheese, but it's been almost the only thing I've craved this whole time.

Ethan and I started setting up the nursery, painting it a baby blue, and decorating it. Grayson helped him put all of the furniture together, and Ethan helped Grayson for his and Alyssa's nursery.

It was fun because Alyssa and I got to boss them around while they did all the work. The perks of being pregnant.

Every night when I would lay down next to Ethan, I knew this was the rest of my life. Even if we never got married or anything like that, I knew we'd be together forever. Marriage is a piece of paper. Love is forever.

As the days went on, my belly grew bigger, my back grew sorer, and Ethan became even more fatherly, always gently rubbing his thumb back and forth on my bump, and always kissing it at every chance he got.

Alyssa and I had a joint baby shower because it was easier with Ethan and Grayson's family, and before we knew it, Alyssa and I were both a month away from both of our babies being born.



I bought the ring for Emma. I decided to propose to her the day that our baby is born. I know it sounds cliché, but that's gonna be a special day for us anyway, so might as well make it even more special, right?

The days seemed to pass by in seconds, and before we knew it, our whole nursery was ready for the day our baby boy would come home with us for the first time.

I was so excited.

Grayson and Alyssa were gonna have a little boy too, so Grayson and I were both super pumped. It was like the babies were gonna be twin-cousins.

I couldn't believe how big of a coincidence it was that Emma and Alyssa were not only pregnant at the same time, but they found out at the same time, both having boys, and when Grayson and I did the math, both Emma and Alyssa conceived on the night of Grayson and Alyssa's wedding.

They also ended up having the same doctor.

Grayson and I were hoping our boys would be born on the same day, so they could have the same birthday. Either way Grayson and I knew they'd be best friends.

Grayson and Alyssa decided to name their son Ari, which means 'lion' in Hebrew, and 'brave' in Armenian.

Emma and I were still looking at names for our little boy. We had a few picked out, but decided to wait until he was actually born before we chose one for sure. We really wanted it to suit him.

Keenan, Lennon, Kellan, and Jasper were our favorite names.

Grayson and I were super excited about our boys' being born, and Emma and I rushed to the hospital when I got the call that Ari was on his way into the world.

The funniest part about that day, is on our way to the hospital, Emma's water broke.

Our baby was going to be born on the same day as Grayson and Alyssa's.

We ended up getting the room next to them, so Grayson and I got to hang out, going back and forth between Emma's and Alyssa's rooms.

Alyssa and Emma were FaceTiming each other, so they could stay updated, and so if I was in Alyssa's room, or if Grayson was in Emma's room, both of us could stay updated on our own babies.

Alyssa was further along than Emma in regards to what time the baby was probably going to be born, but it was mine and Emma's son that ended up being born first.

He was born at 7:57 p.m. on August 17th, and he was perfect. Emma's little nose, my brown hair. Her freckles, my olive skin.

Emma and I were obsessed with him. He was the most amazing little bean in the world, and nothing could stop me from kissing his little forehead, and his little face.

I couldn't stop kissing Emma either. Her forehead, her cheek, her lips. I was so I love with our little family.

And when the doctors took the baby to get his measurements, Emma and I were left alone for a little bit. She let me sit next to her on the bed, so I put my arm around her, and we got comfy.

I asked her to marry me, and in one of the best moments of my life (only second to our son being welcomed into the world), she said yes.

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