Two Weeks Later

"You're home late." Olivia said as I walked into our apartment.

I giggled. "Yeah."

She didn't know about Ethan and I. Only Ethan and I knew.

It had been two weeks since we became a thing, and it was going really well already. Ethan and I were just having fun together, and it was honestly nice to keep it to ourselves.

There wasn't any pressure from other people, and we could enjoy each other without our friends asking a bajillion questions.

Eventually we'd have to tell our friends because of the whole trying to have a baby thing, but for now it was just Ethan and I, and that was going great.

Olivia took a grape from the bowl in front of her, and stuck it in her mouth. "So. I heard you've been hanging out with Ethan a lot."

I felt my face turn red. Fuck! Calm down, Emma. Don't blush like a middle schooler with a huge crush on a boy.

"Yeah. I guess."

Olivia smiled. "You two are up to something, aren't you?"

Don't blush, Emma. Don't give it away yet. It's your little secret with Ethan for now.

"Not really. We both just have no one to hang out with when you're out with Adam, and Grayson's at Alyssa's."

Olivia gave me an eyeing look. "If you say so."

"You don't believe me?" I asked, trying not to smile.

Olivia laughed. "You're such a liar. There's gotta be something going on. You're coming home later than usual, I saw Ethan sneaking out yesterday morning, and you're happier than usual."

I shrugged. "We might have a little something something going on."

"Knew it!" Olivia said.

"But you can't tell anyone yet. Ethan and I want to keep it to ourselves for a little bit."

"I won't."

"Not even Adam, or Alyssa."

"I know."

"You promise?"

She nodded. "Promise."

"Alright. I'm going to sleep. I'm exhausted."

"I'm sure." Olivia teased as I walked away.

After I showered and climbed into bed, I called Ethan.

"Hey, you. Miss me already?"

I giggled. "No, I'm just bored."

"You could've stayed here, you know." Ethan said.

"I have to work tomorrow. I didn't want to stay up too late."

"We could've gone to sleep."

"What, you miss me or something?" I teased.


Isn't it funny that I could practically feel Ethan blushing through the phone?

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