
"I'm home!" Ethan sang as he got back from work. I was in the kitchen making macaroni and cheese. I swear that's all that this baby wants. Cheese.

"Hey, babe."

Ethan wrapped his arms around me and gave me a peck on the cheek. "Missed you."

"You did?" I asked. "I missed you too."

He buried his face in my neck from behind, giving me another warm kiss on my skin. "Of course I missed you. You're my person."

I giggled. "Want some mac and cheese?"

"Sure." He said. "Want anything to drink?"

"Just some water, please."

"Of course." Ethan said.

A few minutes later, we sat down at the table with our bowls of macaroni and glasses of water.

"How was your day today?" Ethan asked.

"It was good." I said. "I threw up twice at work though."

Ethan made a face. "I didn't need to know that." He teased. I rolled my eyes.

"Deal with it if you want any more children."

Ethan smiled. "Let's see how wild this little one is before we decide on any more."

I laughed. "I still can't believe you and I are having a child."

"I was at work today, and it just hit me that I'm gonna be a father. And then it hit me that Grayson is too, and I almost freaked the fuck out."

I laughed. "Nervous already?" I asked.

Ethan shook his head. "Not really. The only thing I'm nervous about is when you'll go into labor. I don't want to see you in pain."

"Hey, the pain will be worth it. We'll get to meet our little baby."

Ethan smiled. "We're gonna be parents, Em. You and I. We're gonna have an amazing little family. It already is amazing with you."

I finished my bowl of Mac and cheese, and then I leaned my head on Ethan's shoulder. "I love you, Ethan."

He kissed my temple. "I love you too, babe."


We were watching a movie later that night, all cozy under a blanket together.

But I was getting way overheated. So, I took my shorts off.

Ethan chuckled. "Whatcha doing over there?" He asked.

"Taking my pants off."

Ethan laughed. "Is there a reason?"

"It's hot in here." I said.

"Come here." Ethan said.

I climbed over so that I was laying on him with my legs on each side. He wrapped my arms around my waist, one of his hands subtly landing on my ass.

"Hi." I said, smiling at him as he pecked my lips.

He laughed. "Hey, baby."

"What's up?" I asked, giggling at him.

"You should take your pants off more often." He said, leaning his head down and kissing my neck.

I laughed. "I just wanna cuddle."

Ethan stopped kissing my skin, and moved his head so that his forehead was against mine. "You sure about that?"

"Mmhmm." I said, nuzzling my nose into his neck. Ethan's hand slid the back of my shirt up a little, and then his thumb rubbed back and forth across my skin.

"Okay, baby. We can do that." He said, chuckling again.

I lightly kissed his lips, and the kiss deepened. Being in Ethan's arms was the most comforting feeling to me. It was the same feeling you get when you know everything's going to be okay. That's how I felt with Ethan.

I was only a few weeks into the pregnancy, six weeks at this point, and sometimes it still didn't feel real until I was throwing up at 3 in the morning again.

Ethan was so nice about it. He always brought me a glass of cold water, and held back my hair for me.

He was so supportive already, and I knew that he was going to be an amazing father for the same reason.

Later that night after we showered and changed into some comfy clothes, Ethan and I were laying in bed and just talking.

"So, I was thinking." I said. "I think it's time I should introduce you to my parents."

Ethan smiled. "I would love to meet your parents, Emma."

"I told them about you." I said. "They can't wait to meet you."

Still smiling, his face lit up even more. "Really?"

"Yeah. The said they can't wait to meet the man that makes me so happy."

Ethan kissed me on the cheek. "Speaking of that, do you wanna have dinner with my parents soon too?"

"We can do that. Man, I feel like we've been together forever already."

"Me too." Ethan said. "I think it's because we were already such close friends."


"Yeah, babe?"

"I love you."

He smiled again. "I love you too, sweetie."

"I have a doctors appointment in two weeks."

Ethan's eyes trailed down to my stomach, and then he smiled. "We get to see our baby?"

I rested my hand on my stomach. It was too early to feel the baby through my skin, but I still felt the baby moving and stuff. "Yeah. My appointment isn't this Monday, but next Monday." I said. "Ten in the morning."

"Got it. I'll take you there." Ethan said.

My hand laced with his. "I'm so happy that you're the one I'm doing this with." I said. "I don't know what'd I'd do without you."

Ethan kissed me on the cheek. "I'm always going to be here for you, and with you."

I smiled. "I hope so, because I really love you."

"I really love you too, Emma. I'm gonna take care of you and our baby as long as long as I'm living."

"I'm gonna take care of you too." I whispered, kissing his lips. "I promise."

Ethan pulled me on top of him, and I got comfortable with my head on his chest, and my legs on both sides of him. It was dark outside, but a nearby streetlight outside of my apartment glowed through the window shade.

There was just enough light to see his face as I leaned down to kiss him again. "I love you so much, Emma."

I smiled into the kiss, and Ethan's warm hand ran up and down my back. "Even if we never get married, I want to be with you forever." I whispered, before Ethan moved into his side and gently pulled me closer to his chest.

"We'll always be together, Em. And I'm definitely turning you into a Dolan someday."

I nuzzled my face into his warm skin, breathing him in. "I love you."

He kissed my forehead. "I love you too. Let's get some sleep, okay?"

"Okay. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, babe."

I fell asleep, with a smile on my face. Life was so happy, and Ethan was perfect for me. We were perfect. I knew we'd always be this way.

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