chapter 1

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I was sweating. Wearing a beanie was a mistake. A big mistake. The sweat was rolling down my temples, soaking my shirt, but I found myself unable to care. The crowd was jumping in unison and I was a part of them, my calves burning with each thump of the bass and my throat hoarse from screaming the lyrics. Lil Pump was only a few feet from me on stage, spitting into the mic as I, and those around me moshed together. If I wasn't so wrapped up in the song I might've stopped to appreciate the moment, but I would have plenty of time to do that all weekend. It was Coachella, afterall.

The song ended and I took a breath, my chest heaving. The moment of rest was over and I began to push my way through the crowd, desperate to escape quickly, keeping my head down. I was almost there, I could see the crowd's edge like the light at the end of the tunnel, so close. A few more rows of people, and-

I was stopped. A hand on my shirt and the shout of my name and it was all over.

Fuck I thought, but I turned to face them with a grin on my face.

"Oh my god, oh my god it is you. Y/N, I'm a huge fan. I love you and your music and-"

"Come here," I opened my arms for a hug and tears started to well up in the girl's eyes. As sweet as it was, the stray hands grabbing my clothes were a tad distracting, but I've always tried hard to focus on moments with each individual. The fans are the only reason I'm here and doing anything. "Do you want a picture?"

"Oh my god, yes." She sniffled a little, trying hard to stop the tears I could see were coming. I took her phone from her hand and held it up, wrapping my other arm around her tightly. She gave a watery smile and I snapped the photo.

As I handed her phone back to her, I grinned, "I like your bandana, absolutely fire." I saw her shocked face as she reached up to touch the neon green tie around her neck before I turned to face the hoard of people. I heard her mumble a thank you as I moved to hug and snap photos with as many of them as possible.

After appeasing the masses, I managed my way out of the crowd to where only a few people stood. I gave a lopsided grin as I set eyes on my group friends.

Dakota was the first to speak, her arms crossed. "Got caught?" She teased.

I hung my head mockingly and moped. "Yeah, yeah I did."

"Told you you'd get caught."

"It was going well until the end!" I held up my hands defensively.

Skylar ruffled my beanie, making it sit crooked on my head. "Dookie girl," She said affectionately. Long story, but they call me dookie. You get used to it after a while.

I chuckled, fixing my beanie, as Luna changed the subject. "Okay, what's next?"

"Tyler!" I shouted. They groaned. "C'mon, you don't have to like it." They weren't giving in, I could tell. "Pleaseeee...for me?"

"We would miss Tim Mcgraw." Skylar stated matter of factly. I rolled my eyes. I don't not like country music, I just don't like it.

"There's no changing your mind?" I looked up at Dakota , putting on my best pouty face.

"Nope." Luna interjected.

"Fine." I crossed my arms. "I'll go alone." I grinned in triumph. They rarely let me go places without them, for fear of getting rushed by people. I had to bribe them to let me into the pit for Lil Pump and even then, they were waiting just beyond the crowd. No way they would let me go alone to Tyler.

"Fine." Dakota stated.

I stared. "Fine."


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