The first thing George felt was cold. It was an empty cold as if the warmth were abruptly stolen from his body. The second thing he was aware of were sirens. They were all over, drowning out the London noise and making a ringing in his ears. The third and last this he noticed was the amount of blood covering his thin frame.
Stumbling back, George looked down at his body and gasped. His shirt had been stained what he assumed to be red, covering much of his pants and dripping down onto his shoes.
Shouldn't he be dead?
Looking around at his surroundings as his eyes adjusted to the harsh light, George noticed one more thing. There was a figure standing next to him, supporting the Brit with his hands. "Easy there," he heard the voice say. "You had me worried."
George tried to respond, but all that came out was a raggedy cough and a stream of blood that trailed down the side of his mouth. "I... D-r...m.." was all the poor beaten man could do and looking up at his saviour tried once again to speak. " D...rm..."
The stranger looked down and managed to lean George up against a wall. "Hey, shh.. It's alright. You're okay."
Something suddenly smelled good to the Brit and he didn't know where it was coming from. It was a rich sent with a pine needle undertone to it. Smelled like nature and the wild, something George hadn't smelled in a long time. If he remembered correctly, he smelled it the last time he went camping at 6 years old.
Still, the scent was intoxicating. It took all the brunette's strength not to lunge forward dig his teeth into the sweet looking neck of his helper-
"Hey, are you alright? Answer me, yeah?" The man looked at George hoping he would answer, but nothing escaped the pale lips of the young man. Instead, teeth as sharp as razers poked out and glistened in the evening sun. The young helper had barely any time to register the fact this bleeding Brit wasn't human before George pounced on him and dug the sharp teeth into his thin neck.
The young man let out a bloodcurdling scream as George's eyes glowed red and began sucking the very life out of the man who was kicking and punching as best he could to get the newly created vampire off of him. He didn't last long.
George's eyes shot open. What was he doing in an alley? Where was Dream? Where was his phone? Looking down, he began to search frantically for his phone. He quickly kicked around old wrappers and trash bins for the item, but to no avail. He needed to tell Dream what happened and why he couldn't record, but before he could find it, his foot hit someone else's. George's eyes scanned the ground to find where that foot connected to and to his horror, it connected to a pale and shriveled man, face forever marked with that of a silent scream. Two red and still bleeding dots were on his neck and George almost threw up.
Here, in front of him, was a man dead in the alley and tasting something coppery in his mouth, George realized he hadn't been accidentally killed.
George stumbled back and began to wretch. He clawed at his face, shoved him fingers down his throat, anything to make him throw up the taste of blood and concrete out of his mouth. He felt dirty, corrupted, and worst of all... alone. He had no one with him, no one to console him, no one to hold him as he cried and at this realization, George collapsed.
He began to cry, hiccupped sobs escaping his broken and bloodied body. The world seemed to spin before his eyes and George wanted nothing more than for this nightmare to be over. He wanted to wake up and everything would be back to normal. He wanted to laugh and joke with Dream and Sapnap, stay up late and take care of Dog, but that wouldn't happen again. Nothing would return to normal and here George would stay, watching his friends and family die as he is doomed to an eternal struggle of immortality and blood.

Dreamnotfound One Shots
FanfictionI decided to take part on this! Here are one-shots about Georgenotfound and Dream, two amazing youTubers and people! Disclaimer: Both Dream and George explained they are alright with fanfiction. Upon request, I will remove these stories. With that...