It was an Accident (Part 1)

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Monday: 4:38pm

George slammed his front door as he walked into his small apartment. He was greeted with a mess; plates still in the sink, wrappers and containers of old food strewn across his couch, tabletop, and floor. His trash was full as it hadn't been emptied in a few days and his laundry was still in the dryer needing to be folded.
It was unlike George to have his apartment this messy, but given the recent circumstances, it wasn't unheard of.

George had gotten word his best friend, Clay, had been in a car accident. It had happened late Thursday afternoon as the rising YouTuber had been coming home from a Minecraft Convention hosted in Jacksonville, Florida. It was a small convention, but Clay had wanted to go to one for a while.

There must have been a party happening up the street from the convention. Kids were stumbling out of a building, laughing and tipping over, faces bright red and their words tumbling out of their mouths in a disordered state.

One of those drunkards had gotten behind the wheel of a GMC pick-up truck. Clay was in a Mazda hatchback.

The Mazda didn't stand a chance at 60 miles per hour and Clay's car was crushed from the top down.

Completely rolled over.

Completely flat.

With Clay...

...still inside the vehicle.

George heard about the accident Friday morning at 8. His phone rang and groggily he had picked it up, answering with a faint "Hello?"

There was a professional sounding voice which wafted through the receiver. "Are you George, best friend of Clay?"

"Yes, I am. May I ask who's calling?" George questioned the voice on the other end, confused as to what the phone call was about. "This is Doctor Hemmin of the Jacksonville Hospital. We have Clay in one of our hospital rooms, suffering from severe broken bones, a concussion, and is currently in a coma. This was one of the numbers Clay's mother told us to call...."

The doctor's voice faded into the background as George's mind drifted off. Clay in the hospital? How did he get in the hospital? How had he suffered from these wounds? What events led up to this?

George's breathing began to get faster and faster. The phone dropped from his hands and thumped onto the carpeted floor of his room. There was a ringing, an extremely loud ringing that reverberated in the poor British man's ears and George felt hot tears began to pool over and run down his face. The walls of his room seemed to shrink. The ceiling was getting closer, his bed was inches away from his face, the walls were constricting him.

It was too much.

Friday 10:53am

George uncovered his head and slowly looked around his room. Catching his reflection in the mirror, his appearance startled him.

Instead of a smiling young man, there sat a disheveled and dull-eyed man, streaks of red trailing down his face where salty tears met smooth skin. George's hair was ungroomed and sticking out in every which way.

Crawling over to his desk where the computer sat, George logged in and slowly typed out a website to buy a plane ticket to Florida on. He clicked on the first link (Expedia was fortunately easy to scroll through) and managed to find a flight which left Saturday morning at 6am. George booked the flight and sat back into the rough carpeted room.

"Please hang in there Dream. I'm coming."

[585 words]

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