Losing My Mind- THE RE-WRITTEN

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Before we begin: I decided I wanted to see how far I've come in my writing skills by redoing the VERY FIRST chapter of this one-shot book! With that being said, enjoy!


George sat back in his chair. The stiff leather croaked as he did so, sounding odd in the empty spaces of his room.

Dream had been kind enough to request George join him on his newest project. He called it a "Manhunt;" one player chasing another player who was attempting to finish the game. Both George and Dream had their fair share of funny moments, and both were optimistic on the soon-to-be finished product. Every so often, the video would play what sounded like a tea kettle ready to come off the stove. In reality, that was Dream, laughing all the way through his successes and failures.

The biggest success of all was the two of them meeting on BadBoyHalo's Minecraft server and since then, they engaged in conversation daily.

Inseparable friends.

A ring came through on George's headset and it startled him out of his thoughts. Upon expanding Discord's tab, he noticed Dream was calling him.

"Dude, did you see the way I landed on the nether bricks and nearly tipped over the edge when entering the fortress?" Dream's ecstatic voice shouted through the other end, nearly deafening George. Despite the noise scare, he laughed and nodded to himself.

"You almost didn't make it! I thought for sure I was going to hit you off the ledge."

Dream laughed in response at the recollection of the event. "I made sure to give you a good chase montage. Besides, you did much better than I thought you would! You caught me off guard multiple times."

"Good to know the 'Great and Powerful Dream has confidence in his very best friend the 'All-mighty Georgenotfound!'"

Clay slapped his keyboard and doubled over laughing similarly to a leaky steam pipe. "You know that isn't true! I have so much confidence in you."

George's breath caught in his throat, and his face turned a deeper shade of red. To hear Dream say that seemed like the most important thing in the world.

(¸.·' (¸.·'* (¸.·'* (¸.·'* (¸.·'* (¸.·'* *¨)

George had been on call with Clay for a little over two hours at this point. He yawned and glanced at his clock, doing a double take when seeing the small white digital numbers of 1:32am flash brightly.

"Hey, Clay?"

"Hm?" Clay hummed tiredly as he lifted his face away from his mic and shook himself awake slightly. He had begun to nod off and it was evident that he was soon to pass out at his desk if he didn't make it to his bed in time.

"I'm going to head off to bed, yeah? It's really late and you need to get some sleep," George murmured on the other end. The exhaustion was catching up to him all the same.

George could hear shuffling on the other end of the call. "Alright man. Thanks for playing today and have a good rest of your night," responded Dream before the Discord drop-out ring sounded.

As it did, George hung up his headphones and climbed into bed, wishing for a restful night.

(¸.·' (¸.·'* (¸.·'* (¸.·'* (¸.·'* (¸.·'* *¨)

Clay's phone began to ring. Tiredly, he picked it up and saw it was George. Looking at the time, he noticed it was only 3:45 in the morning.


Clay heard sniffling on the other side of the receiver. "George, you there?"

A warbled voice came stuttering through the phone, unable to form any coherent thought. Immediately, Clay sat up hearing the broken sobs of his best friend.

"Hey, dude, you alright? Talk to me. What's going on?"

It took George a few moments to respond, but when he did, his words broke Clay's heart. "You...you're real, r-right? You aren't some... monster coming for me?"

"No, of course not George. I'm human just like you."

"Y-you sure? Am I going to wake up in an underground cell as you watch me from afar, convincing me there is no one else in the world but you? Am I going to wake up feeling the crushing feeling of loneliness-?"

George's voice broke on the other end, unable to finish his sentence. This had to have been the only time Clay had ever heard his best friend sound so broken.

Tears began to prick Clay's eyes. "George, listen to me. I will never, EVER abandon you. I will never hurt you and I will certainly never leave on you. You are my best friend and that will never change. I promise."

Clay paused for a moment to recollect his thoughts.

"George, I care about you deeply. I lo-,"

Something stopped Dream from finishing that statement. Maybe it was the nerves, or the worry George couldn't say it back. Whatever the issue, it wasn't what George needed right now.

"Clay, I feel like I'm losing my mind. I wake up every morning feeling like I'm lost, and I won't ever find someone I can hold close to me. I'm worried I'll be left alone and I won't be able to find a way out-"

George stopped speaking, brain going back to what Dream had attempted to say. "Wait, w-what were you going to say? I didn't catch it."

Clay shook his head. "It wasn't important, I promise."


"Don't worry about it."


Pursing his lips, Dream began to speak.

"George... whenever I can record a video with you; whenever I can talk to you, it brightens my day. Usually I have a routine, but it's nice to break that routine and you..." He trailed off. "You make my day honestly a lot brighter." Clay chuckled slightly. "I know this isn't the right time and I don't know if you'll say it back but..."

"I love you."

George's crying ceased and his breathing slowed. His eyes bounced off the light grey walls of his room.

A faint "George?" came through his phone.

"George, you there? Please, answer me. I needed to tell you. I was out of my damn mind; I couldn't hide this from you, and it certainly didn't seem right to. Please just..." A sniffle came through. "Please answer me."

George took in a breath and exhaled through his mouth. "Clay... I.."

"I love you, too."

(¸.·' (¸.·'* (¸.·'* (¸.·'* (¸.·'* (¸.·'* *¨)

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