Chapter 2

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"Mom, I'm home", I called out.

"Yes, yes. Your mom is here", my best friend came out of the kitchen. "Honestly, when will you stop saying that?", Soon Hee came and plopped into the seat next to me. 

"I don't know", I shrugged.

"Do you have something to eat? I'm ravenous", my stomach growled. 

"Yes, I have some jajangmyeon prepared", Soon Hee said and I jumped up and went to the kitchen. I put some into a bowl and sat down to eat.

"How was your first day at work?", Soon Hee asked.

"Remember that man I told you about?", Soon Hee nodded.

"The man from 5 years ago?"

"Yes, he's a prosecutor and he is my mentor", Soon Hee gasped.

"What?", I giggled at her reaction.

"I know right? I was surprised to see him too. He's nice but cold too. He made me work so hard I thought I would pass out", I told Soon Hee about today's events.

"He asked his co-workers to buy some cigarettes because of that?", Soon Hee scoffed. We both laughed about it.

"I was kinda surprised because he seemed like he was expecting me", a shadowed look covered my face.

"Why?", Soon Hee looked at my face.

"He didn't seem surprised at all. Do you think he kept track of me as I did of him?", I asked giddily.

"Aye, now you're just being delusional!", Soon Hee flapped her hands. 

"A girl can dream", I sighed and closed my eyes.

"If you kept track you would know he's a prosecutor", she said.

"Ah, I'm so tired. I'm going to sleep, okay? I have to wake up early", I roll my eyes before getting up lazily and going upstairs to my room.

My room was a mess but, I was so lazy. I fell facedown onto my bed and closed my eyes and went into my dreams.

"Hey, Y/N", Prosecutor Ji smirked. 

"Do you remember kissing these lips?", he tapped his lips in a teasing manner.

"Aren't you going to come and give me a kiss as you did 5 years ago?" he asked again. 

Dal-sik and Anna weren't there. I felt embarrassed now, standing in front of Prosecutor Ji.

"I'm not like that anymore... Please believe me prosecutor Ji", he started walking towards me.

"I won't believe you until you prove it to me", he was standing close to me now and before I knew it he kissed me. Not nicely, his lips were harsh against mine as he bit and savoured my lips. 

"Ah, what the hell?", I woke up to the sound of the alarm and nearly fell off the bed.

"My lips. Agh, really? I bit it", my lips were bleeding.

"Grr. So annoying", I ran into the toilet and rinsed my mouth. 

"Soon Hee, can you get me an ice pack?", I yelled.

"Here. What happened?", Soon Hee asked giving me the ice pack.

"I bit my lips in my dreams", I said groaning a bit from the cold pressure against my lips.

"Tsk tsk. I'm going to the cafe'", Soon Hee shook her head.

"Okay", after she left I quickly got ready and prepared myself a cup of coffee. 

The phone vibrated. Time to head out to work. I quickly drank all the coffee and headed out. 

I stopped near the bus stop waiting for the bus to come. 

"Hi", someone said. I looked around to see who he was talking to but we were the only ones at the bus stop.

"Are you talking to me?", I asked him.

"Yes. Uh, I'm Ji Eun Hyuk. I'm an attorney", he held out his hand and I shook it.

"I'm Choi Eun-ha and I'm a prosecutor", I smiled. 

"Oh, really? Could your mentor perhaps be someone named Ji Chang Wook?", he asked.

The bus came then. We got in and he sat next to me.

"Is it?", he asked again.

"Yes, he is. Why?", I looked at him. Feeling a bit annoyed now.

"He was a friend of mine", he shrugged and we sat in silence in silence after that

I got off at the next stop and glanced at my watch. There's still 10 minutes. 

I started walking towards the building.

"Choi Eun-ha", I groaned at the sound of prosecutor Ji's voice.

"Yes, sir. Good morning", I bowed a little.

"What happened to your lips?", he touched my lips and I flinched.

"I bit my lips in my sleep", in my mind I was screaming. "You came to me in my dreams and bit my lip", but I didn't say anything.  

"Really?", he raised his eyebrows and I saw something flash in his eyes. It was gone before I could tell what it was.

"Let's go or we're going to be late", he glanced at his watch and suddenly gripped my hand and dragged me. I looked at his hand which was holding onto mine and gulped as I felt my heart racing against my chest.

"Prosecutor Ji", I called out in a timid voice.

"Yes?", I couldn't say anything so I just looked at our hands. As if realizing it for the first time, he quickly let go of my hand.

"Sorry", I just shook my head.

When we reached the office, I took some files and started working so I could ignore Ji Chang Wook completely. 

Once I was done with the first stack of papers, he handed me even more and he wouldn't stop. I was ready to beat him up.

I called a client.

"Hello there, I'm calling from the prosecutor's office", the client started saying some shit about voice phishing. 

"No, this isn't voice phishing. Please come to the office", none of the clients was listening. I've called them at least three times and they all kept making an excuse. In the end, I got so frustrated that I slammed the phone down and everyone jumped startled.

I smiled at everyone. Prosecutor Ji smiled and came and slammed more papers onto the table.

"Eun-ha, this is my way of showing affection to you so that you will do great in the future... ", I just glared at him. 

As the days passed, I was starting to get more annoyed by Prosecutor Ji and two weeks passed with me being his little slave girl. 

A month later

Prosecutor Ji?", I went up to his desk. I was about to leave work but, I need to ask him something. 

"Yes?", he said without looking up. 

"Can I take an off day tomorrow?", I asked him shyly.

"Do you have to do something important tomorrow?", He asked.

"Yes, I want to visit my mom tomorrow", I sniffled a little at this. 

"Are you crying?", he suddenly stood up.

"No", I quickly turned and wiped the tear.

Ji Chang Wook came and stood next to me and he surprised me.


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