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Brooke Swan played by Amanda Seyfried

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Brooke Swan played by Amanda Seyfried


In Storybrooke, Regina, Robin, Mary Margaret, David, Killian and Brooke werestanding in the middle of a road, looking down at the Dark One's dagger with Emma's name on.

"How could she be so stupid?" Regina asked.

"Regina!" Mary Margaret said.

"Well, there had to be another way," Regina said.

"There wasn't," Brooke said.

"There was... She should had let me do it," Regina said.

"Then you would have been taken," Mary Margaret said and turned to Regina, "That thing was going to kill you, she saved your life."

"Don't you think I know that?" Regina questioned.

"And now she's the... Dark One," Henry said as he walked up to them.

"Now she's a problem for all of us," Regina said.

"She is still good,"Brooke said.

"I hope so, it's not like she rode off on a unicorn. She got sucked up by a vortex of evil!" Regina said.

"Where is she? Where's she gone?" Robin asked.

"It doesn't matter," Brooke went to go to the dagger but Killian stopped her, "I'll be okay," Brooke said and Killian released her.

Brooke walked to the dagger, "If I can't find her, I can damn well bring her to me," Brooke said and picked up the dagger, holding it, "Dark One, with this dagger I command thee: Return!" She said but Emma didn't return.

"Why didn't it work?" Killian asked.

"She's not in this world," Regina said and looked at Brooke, "Put that thing downbefore you hurt yourself and your child," Regina said to her.

Brooke looked at Regina then at her parents, "I... I don't know what to do..." Brooke said.

"We'll find her," David said and walked to Brooke, he took the dagger from her, "I promise."

Killian walked to Brooke and hugged her, "We'll get her back, no matter what," Killian said, "But you're staying here."

"Not happening," Brooke said, "I'm joining you all in finding her."

Later, everyone was in Gold's shop when they walked into the back they saw Mother Superior taking care of the apprentice.

"Apprentice, that thing took Emma, where did they go?" David asked.

"She is now where all darkness is born, in your realm," The Apprentice said.

"Can you take us there?" Brooke asked him.

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