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Flashback - Camelot...

The ball had begun, Brooke and Killian were together under a tree.

"You know what I just thought about?" Killian asked.

"What's that?" Brooke asked.

"We haven't haven't made a nursery..." Killian said and looked at her, "What are you thinking?"

"Ocean... Definitely... Ocean," Brooke said and she looked at him, "It's where we met."

Killian gave her his heart-melting smile, "Good, exactly what I was thinking," He said and kissed her head.

"Hey you two, we don't want another granddaughter yet," David said as he walked up with Mary Margaret.

"I can't even think about the process to that," Brooke said and sighed, resting her head on Killian's shoulder.

"Brooke, look," Mary Margaret said and the three turned to see what Mary Margaret was looking at.

They saw Henry, who was looking at a girl.

"Uh-oh, first crush, so cute," Brooke said.

"I'm on it," Killian said and walked over.

Brooke smiled and looked at David, "Calm down, dad, no one can replace a grandpa," Brooke said.

Killian walked to Henry, "You know you could just walk over there and introduce yourself," Killian said.

"That's the advice you got for me? Introduce yourself?" Henry asked, "That what you did with Auntie B?"

"...No... She was running from Pan and hid behind me... Besides the point," Killian said, "Just trust me on this... You're from another land, you're mysterious, intriguing," Killian said, he grabbed two glasses of water and handed it to Henry, "Use it and go for it," Killian said, "Mysterious and intriguing, works," Killian said and gave him a helpful push.

Brooke watched Henry walking to a girl, she walked up to Killian with her parents, "Good job, Uncle Killian," Brooke smiled at him.

"Uncle?" David questioned.

"Well, I did have a baby which is Killian's which is also Henry's cousin... So being called Uncle is normal," Brooke said.

"Regina!" Robin yelled.

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked over to see Percival aiming his sword at Regina. Robin tackled Percival and they wrestled for control of the sword.

Emma raised her hand to use magic to stop him but Grumpy stopped her, "No, sister, you can't use dark magic," He said.

David ran over and stabbed Percival with his sword, but not before Percival stabbed Robin in the side.

"Robin! Robin!" Regina yelled and ran over to him to see him breathing heavily, "No! No! No! No!! She repeated with her eyes watery.

End of Flashback...

Brooke walked into the nursery to see Killian building a cot.

Killian looked up, "What is it, love?" Killian stood up, "Did you see her?" 

"Yeah..." Brooke nodded, "She... She thinks this is who she is and that nothing we know will work on her."

"Do you believe that?" Killian asked her.

"Nope, but... She's right about one thing... I'm not powerful enough to deal with her, I'm nothing compared to her now," Brooke said.

"Now that is silly," Killian said and walked to her, "You aren't as strong of the Dark One, but you are strong and you are still learning," He said, "There's you can't do, if you put your mind to it," He said.

Darkness Is In [OUAT || Two Saviours Series #5 || Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now