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The next day, Killian was trying to pick the lock of the cage with his hook and failing.

"Did you get into your own rum? You believe that's going to work when my magic can't?" Zelena questioned him.

"Well, I suppose I could just do nothing, but then again, that's your job!" Killian said angrily.

Zelena walked up to Killian, "If you really want to get out of here, I can arrange a trip right back to the Underworld!" Zelena threatened.

Alicia started crying and the two looked at the baby in her grandfather's arms. David looked at them, "I think Alicia is telling you both to stop it. Now, we need to be patient. The groundsman promised to fix the wand and bring it back to us," David said.

The groundsman, Jekyll, walked into the room where the cage was being held, "Unfortunately, I was only able to keep half my promise," Jekyll said.

"What do you mean? Where's the wand?" Zelena asked.

"I repaired it, but then the warden took it from me. I didn't come empty-handed, though. Seems the Orderly, he enjoyed a little bit too much whiskey today," Jekyll said and held up the key to the cage, "And," He held up a bag, "If the little one needs changing."

"Thank you but we need to get the wand back from that warden. Do you know where he is?" Snow asked.

"Eh, no, uh, but first things first, before we find him, we must have a way to defeat him. He's quite powerful... Now... I might have a way but it is dangerous," Jekyll said as he unlocked the cell down and opened it.

"Hasn't stopped us before," Snow said as everyone stepped out of the cage.

Killian took the bag, "I just went to hell and back, I'm not afraid of your warden," He said and turned to David, "How is she?" 

David nodded, "Probably could do with a change," He said and took the bag before moving away from everyone to sort his granddaughter out.

Once David walked back to them, "Okay, then follow me," Jekyll said and he led everyone out of the house which was Hyde's house and took them to the streets.

They saw that the town that they were in was stranger, "Bloody hell," Killian said.

"Where are we?" David asked as they looked around and everyone in the street looked like they were from different realms.

"It's like all the realms all at once," Snow said.

"You're closer than you think. This land is a refuge with outcasts from all over. Each forced to flee from their problems, each finding safe have here," Jekyll said.

"Forced to flee from what?" Snow asked.

"Well, the reasons are as varied as the populace and everyone has their own tale. That's why this place has come to be known as The Land of Untold Stories," Jekyll told them.

"It's a tad bit ironic of a name, no, given that this land is seemingly filled with stories," Killian said.

"Perhaps, but there's only one story we need to worry about right now. That's our own," Jekyll said.

"Right and that story better end with us getting back to our world," Killian said.

Back in New York, Emma, Brooke and Regina were opposite a hotel on the street path.

"Gold might have magic on his side, but he sure isn't subtle," Brooke said as they saw a purple thunder cloud over a hotel building.

"And if we know Henry, he's already disobeyed us and left the library," Emma said.

Darkness Is In [OUAT || Two Saviours Series #5 || Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now