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It was night time as Emma, Brooke, Killian, David, Henry and Regina are by the fall clock-tower.

"You told her what?" Emma asked.

"To give him a chance," Regina said.

"And you thought that was a good idea because?" Emma asked.

Regina looked at Emma, "Because we're family and I'm trying to trust Zelena. She thinks she can change Hades," Regina said.

"I'm sorry, love, I missed the part where Zelena changed," Killian said.

"You'd think the ex-pirate a rum habit would cut my sister some slack," Regina said.

"Well, you'd think that the Evil Queen would be smarter than to send the Wicked Witch to romance the most devious man alive," Killian said.

"Easy, guys. We're not gonna win the war against Hades if we use all our ammo on each other," Brooke said.

Hades walked towards them, "The Sorceress has a point," Hades said.

Killian pulled Brooke to him, "What the hell are you doing here?" Killian asked as Emma pushed Henry behind her.

"Oh, I didn't find you to hurt you. I came for your..." Hades sighed, "Wow, this is hard... help," Hades said.

"What could you possibly want our help with?" David asked.

Simple, I went to meet Zelena for our date and found this," Hades said as he held up a piece of parchment.

Regina stepped forward and took it, she opened it and read it, "No," She handed the parchment to Brooke.

Brooke took it and read it, "Zelena, she's been kidnapped by Gold and... Pan," She sighed.

"They're asking for a meeting tomorrow morning," Hades said.

"Gold wants you to tear up the contract for his unborn child," Emma said.

Regina faced Hades, "So, do it. Meet with them, I just got my sister back and I'm not going to lose her now," Regina said.

"Neither will I, I'll give them what they want, but I know the Siltskins and their tricks. They're not gonna keep their word, not unless I have an ace up my sleeve," Hades said.

"Luckily for you, you got one," Regina said.

"I'm sorry, you've been Zelena's doting sister for all of what, three hours? No," Hades said.

"Who's going to be more motivated than me?" Regina said.

Hades turned to face Brooke, "Brooklyn," Hades said.

"I'm sorry, what?" Brooke asked.

"If Zelena gets out of this alive, I'm prepared to offer you a deal," Hades said.

"Don't trust a word he says, Lyn. You're not going near Pan," Killian said.

"Now, I agree with the pirate," Regina said.

"You and I both know your family wouldn't be here if it weren't for you. If you help me save her, I'll take everyone's names off their headstones," Hades said.

"So, we can leave the Underworld," Brooke said.

"So, what do you say, Sorceress? Do you want to send your family home and see your baby girl or not?" Hades asked as Brooke looked at him.


Later Hades hung the closed sign on the door of Underworld Granny's with a noticed that they were close until further notice and closed the blinds.

Darkness Is In [OUAT || Two Saviours Series #5 || Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now