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Brooke, Emma, Killian and Snow were standing in front of the three gravestones that had Emma's, Brooke's, Snow's and Regina's names on it. 

"Hades thinks he can beat us, it's time to prove him wrong. When I burn these names from the graves, there'll be nothing keeping us here," Emma said, "We can all go back home," She said and looked at Brooke, "Brooke..."

"I can't," Brooke said and shook her head, "I can't use my magic."

Killian looked at Brooke and turned her to face him, "Look at me," He said and Brooke looked at him, "You can never go dark, you are strong and you can fight your anger. I know it's harder than it sounds, but you have pure light magic. You have a pure heart and a pure soul, you get it from your mother and our daughter gets it from you. Do what the Apprentice said, think our Alicia and me then the pure magic will come out," Killian said and kissed her forehead, "You can do this."

Brooke blushed a little and nodded, "Thank you," Brooke said and stood next to Emma, "Let's do this," She said.

Emma nodded and the two of them stood beside each other and used their magic, both using light magic. Brooke smiled seeing the light magic coming out of her hands. The twins began to burn their names off the tombstones when the wind suddenly picked up.

Killian looked around, "Wait, something's wrong," He said.

Brooke and Emma both stopped and Brooke turned to Killian, "What is it?" She asked him.

"Any captain worth his salt knows when a storm's brewing and trust me, we need to find shelter now. Go! Go!" Killian said.

The four ran for shelter as a twister formed a few meters ahead. The four of them had taken shelter behind a grave and the wind instantly died down.

"Well, that was quick. Everyone okay?" Brooke asked.

"Yeah, but something's out there. Something was in that storm," Snow said as she drew her bow and arrow. She stepped out from behind the grave and a few moments later she was tackled by some form of monster.

"Mom!" Brooke yelled.

Brooke and Killian were on the roof of the library, Killian was standing watch whilst Brooke slept. When she suddenly woke up from her nightmare and was breathing heavily.

Killian watched, "Bad dream?" He asked.

"Yeah," Brooke stood up and began walking to him, "It was nothing, sorry I fell asleep," She said as she stopped in front of him.

Killian looked at her concerned, "I'm glad you did," Killian told her.

"It's not the best way to keep watch," Brooke said.

"I've got it under control. Do you realise this is the first time you've slept since you rescued me?" Killian asked.

"I will sleep for weeks as soon as we defeat Hades, I promise," She said, "I rarely sleep, whenever I do... I see... You on the ground... You know..." She looked down.

"Well, I'm here now, I'm unharmed and we'll be home eventually," Killian said.

The couple noticed a light flashing below, "That's the signal, they're ready," Brooke said.

Inside the library, Reading and Emma had finished putting the code on the elevator that will help them get past.

Brooke saw Snow, "Mom," She said as they walked and she walked to Snow and hugged her.

"Oh!" Snow hugged back, "Is everything okay?" She asked.

"Yeah. It's just good to see you," Brooke said.

Darkness Is In [OUAT || Two Saviours Series #5 || Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now