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Brooke, Emma, Regina, Henry, Gold and Violet were all standing in front of the fountain.

"How is that going to help us?" Regina asked.

"Because there's magic in it, every time someone makes a wish," Henry said.

"I don't think throwing a coin in a fountain is what The Dragon was talking about," Gold said.

"All due respect, Grandpa, but I think that was exactly what he was talking about," Henry turned to Emma, "Mom when we were living in New York, do you remember the last time you took me here?" He asked her.

"Yeah, I don't know. You were upset about something, maybe something at school?" Emma said.

"It was because of you. I could tell you were lonely, so I wished our family would be complete and do you know what happened a few days later?" Henry asked her.

"Brooke came to New York with Killian and they brought us back to Storybrooke and we were reunited with our family," Emma said.

"There was magic, it was right here. We just didn't know it. Don't you see? We just need to wish they were back," Henry said and walked over to the foundation, "I wish we were reunited with our family," Henry said and threw a coin into the foundation then turned to the others, "Come on, it can't just be me. Everybody make a wish, this will work, I promise."

"Okay, kid," Emma said.

Henry handed everyone a coin then they all made a wish and threw their coins into the foundation. The Olympian Crystal began to flicker as it began to glow.

"Emma, did you see that?" Brooke asked.

"Sometimes that boy surprises me," Gold said as he threw his coin into the foundation and the crystal was still flicking as it was trying to light.

Brooke sighed and Regina gave her a one-arm hug, "We just need more," Henry said as he ran up the steps of the library behind the foundation.

Back in the Land of Untold Stories, in the marketplace, Killian was holding Alicia as she slept in her father's arms.

"We can blend in here, but so can Hyde. He could be anywhere," Snow said.

"Is there a reason your evil alter ego doesn't look anything like you?" David asked Jekyll.

"And is 10 times as strong?" Zelena added.

"Everyone sees their worst self differently. Some as a mirror image, others as a literal monster. However, the mind conjures it," Jekyll said. 

Hyde had taken the serum that Jekyll had created and separated the two of them. Jekyll was now hiding with the heroes. 

"Well, perhaps next time, try an aggressive bunny rabbit," Killian said and he looked at Alicia.

"Alright, we got to find a way out. Over here," David said and they walked out of the marketplace and walked into an alley.

"Hurry, this way," Killian said and they came across a dead end.

Zelena sighed, "Seriously?!" She said.

"Come on!" David said. 

The group ran the other way but they came face-to-face with Hyde.

Back in New York, Henry stood on top of the stairs of the library.

"People of New York City!" Henry yelled and people stopped walking and looked at him.

Brooke rest her head on Regina's shoulder and held Emma's hand. They all watched Henry on the steps.

"My name is Henry Mills and I need your help! My family's in danger, but we can save them with magic!" Henry said and the crowd began to laugh, "I know how crazy it sounds but magic is real. It's all around us, you just have to be willing to see it. You have to be willing to believe and I know how hard that is. I once let my own belief wave but I was wrong, we need magic. It can make the world a better place, I know it seems impossible, but this about it... At some point in your life, every one of you was once a believer, and at some point, you left that part of you behind, but you can go back to it. If you believe. So, what do you say? Will you make a wish for us? Will you help us return magic to this world?" Henry said and ran towards the fountain, "We just have to make a wish! Come on! Let's go!"

Darkness Is In [OUAT || Two Saviours Series #5 || Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now