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Brooke woke up in her dream and looked around confused, as she was sat on a bench in front of a park. Then a familiar face popped out from behind her.

"Hello, Brooklyn," She said.

Brooke gasped as she saw who spook, "Ingrid?" She said.

"Yeah," She smiled, "It's really great to see you," Ingrid said.

"Where are we? Am I dreaming?" Brooke asked as she watched Ingrid walk around and sat next to her.

"No, if this were a dream, there'd be, like, talking doughnuts near the ocean or something like that," Ingrid said, "Think of this as a long-distance call from a family member," Ingrid said.

It really is you," Brooke said.

"I hear congratulations are in order," Ingrid smiled.

"Thank you," Brooke said, "She's beautiful."

"I bet," Ingrid smiles, "How's you're sister?"

"She's... She's okay, after what recently happened I think she's doing better," Brooke said.

"That's great," Ingrid said.

Brooke looked around, "Is this the Underworld? I was on my way there," Brooke said.

"Yes dear, I know that's where you're headed. That's kind of why I'm here. Please, sweetheart, don't go. Once you get here, it is not an easy place to get out of. I know you're trying to save your pirate, but trust me. This won't end the end you think it will," Ingrid said.

"I...I have to," Brooke said, "I need to tell him the truth about what happened. I need to try to give him a way back home to Alicia and me," Brooke said.

"You always were a stubborn one," A male voice said and Brooke turned to see Neal walking to her.

"Neal," Brooke said.

"Brooke," Neal crouched down in front of her, "I need you to listen to us, okay? This will won't turn out how you want it to."

"We... We would've tried getting the two of you if we'd have known we could," Brooke said.

"You couldn't have, we're not there, we're not in limbo," Neal said.

"Does that mean... That Killian is there? I can get him?" Brooke asked.

"Yes, he's there," Ingrid said.

"Then help me. I can split my heart and give it to him. It could work," Brooke said.

"The Underworld's for people with unfinished business, and that isn't us. That's why we're not there," Neal said.

Brooke looked at Ingrid, "You found your sisters?" Brooke asked.

Ingrid smiled, "I did, they were waiting for me," Ingrid told her.

"Where are you two then?" Brooke asked.

"Someplace... Someplace where we're happy. We only came here because we care about you, Brooke. Stop what you're doing before it's too late," Neal said.

"I can't," Brooke said.

Neal smiled and hugged her, "As I said, you're stubborn," Neal said and stood up. 

Ingrid smiled, "We figured, but we had to try," Ingrid said and leaned over, kissing Brooke on her forehead.

Brooke breathes sharply, "Mom..." She said.

"I love you Brooke, my darling," Ingrid said and she began walking away with Neal.

Then Brooke is suddenly woken up and is breathing heavily, she saw the group on Charon's boat, heading to the Underworld.

Darkness Is In [OUAT || Two Saviours Series #5 || Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now