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In Hades' underground prison, Killian was unconscious in a small space. He suddenly gasped and woke up, he heard screaming in the distance. He grimaced in pain as he managed to roll over and got onto one knee. Blood cover half his face, he could barely open his left eye.

"Is this a bloody trick?!" Killian yelled as he managed to get onto his feet.

Just as Killian was about to step off the small platform he was on, a family voice stopped him, "Stop, that's exactly what it is... A trick. Don't move, he wants you to think you can escape, but... You can't, no one can," The female said.

"Aye, we'll see about that," Killian said and went to take one step off the platform.

"Don't! He'll hunt you down," The female said.

"Hades has already done his worst to me," Killian said.

"I don't mean Hades," Killian told her.

The woman shook her said, "No, just don't," She said.

"Look, this isn't my first cell. I don't just sit around and rot. Now, somebody's come down here to save me and I need to make her job easier," Killian said.

"How do you know she's here?" The woman asked.

"Because I know! When you love someone, you know and she's stubborn. Now, what's keeping us in here?" Killian asked.

"Something you don't want to face," The woman said.

"Well, I'll be the judge of that," Killian said and stepped off the platform, "Time to go," Killian said and limped towards her.

"Are you mad?" She asked.

"Perhaps," Killian said and held his hand out for her, "Time to go," The woman whimpered before taking his hand and she stood up, "You ready? Alright, go!" 

The two of them began running from the room that they were in but suddenly a beast could be heard growling from down one of the corridors. The woman wasn't hiding the fact that she was scared and panicking as they ran, "I told you we'll never make it," She said.

Killian stopped her and made her look at him, "We won't... But you will, I'll draw the hell beast away. You run and once you're free, find Brooklyn Swan, I'm Captain Killian Jones... Captain Hook, tell her to find me," Killian said, the woman nodded and agreed, "Go!" He said and the woman ran away. 

Killian turned back to where the growling was coming from and in the shadows a three-headed dog appeared. Slowly Killian began to step backwards away from the creature that was approaching him.

Later, Brooke, Emma and Henry were somewhere in the woods, Brooke was searching frantically for Killian.

"Auntie B, we already covered this trail. It was cold," Henry said.

"Then we cover it again and we keep going until we find a rail that's hot," Brooke said.

Emma and Henry looked at each other then turned to Brooke as she continued to look for a trail. Regina and Robin walked up to them, they had also been searching the woods.

"You think there'd be more of those in the Underworld. There's no sign of Hook in the North Woods," Regina said.

Brooke sighed, "Well, we have to keep going. Maybe out by the Troll Bridge," Brooke said.

"Wait," Regina said as Brooke began walking.

"What?" Brooke turned to her.

"There may be a way to make out search quicker," Regina said.

"How?" Emma asked.

"In Storybrooke, I have schematics... Maps of the whole town. Every last inch of it," Regina said.

Darkness Is In [OUAT || Two Saviours Series #5 || Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now