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Later, Emma and Brooke arrived at Emma's current home. Emma headed to a cupboard and used her magic to open it. She pulled out Excalibur before turning back around, both of them unaware the Killian was now sitting at the dining table.

"Sorry, Swan, but I can't let you use that sword," Killian said as he stood up and makes positions himself in front of the door to block their exit path.

"If I don't do this, everyone I love will die," Emma said.

"And if you do, you'll die. Come now, hand it over, I don't want to hurt either of you," Killian said.

"Now, you care what happens to me?" Brooke asked him.

Killian looked at her, "Like it or not, I owe you, both of you," Killian said.

"For what?" Emma asked.

"Well, if it weren't for what your sister made me, I would never have become the man I always wanted to be," Killian said.

Brooke fought back her tears, "This is not who Killian wanted to be. Revenge did not matter to him," She said.

"Oh, it did.  You just briefly distracted me, well, no I can finally make the Crocodile pay," Killian said.

Emma took a few steps towards him, "Even if it means becoming the thing you hate? The thing you spent centuries trying to destroy?" Emma questioned him.

"If Brooke didn't want me to change, she should've tried harder to stop you," Killian said as he looked at Emma.

"I'm sorry I acted without your consent, but I couldn't allow my sister to be alone with a baby," Emma said.

"And now, because of that, both of you get to watch everyone you love die," Killian said.

"No!" Emma yelled and ran forward and attempted to stab him with Excalibur. Killian disappeared in a cloud of red smoke and appeared behind Brooke, Emma turned around, "I will protect my family, even if I have to kill you to do it!" 

Emma attempted to strike him but he wrapped his arm around Brooke and pulled her in front of him. Emma stopped and the twins stared at each other in shock. Killian chuckled and disappeared in smoke.

"I'm sorry," Emma said and turned around to see Henry.

"Mom, wait," Henry said.

"Henry..." She said.

"Emma, that isn't Henry," Brooke said.

Henry took the sword from Emma and changed back into Killian.

"Killian, don't do this, please," Brooke said and walked forward.

"It's too late for that, Little Lyn. Enjoy the time you both have left with your family," Killian said and looked at Brooke to see her removing the promise ring and the original ring he gave her and she threw it at him, he caught them on his hook.

"I hate you," Brooke said and watched as he disappeared in a cloud of red smoke.

At Granny's diner, Henry is fussing over Neal, while Mary Margaret and David watched with sad smiles on their faces. After a few moments, Mary Margaret got up from the table and noticed Emma's letter on the Jukebox. 

Mary Margaret walked over, opened it and read it, her face dropped, "Oh, no, David," She said.

David stood up and walked with to her, "What's wrong?" He asked.

"It's Emma," Mary Margaret said.

David read the letter, "We got to stop her," David said.

David and Mary Margaret got ready to leave but Nimue and a few Dark One's appeared in the diner. Henry got up from his seat.

Darkness Is In [OUAT || Two Saviours Series #5 || Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now