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Later at night, Brooke was sat on a rocking chair with Alicia in her arms. She hummed a lullaby, looking down at her daughter who was drifting off to sleep. Brooke was thinking about the message from Merlin about her having his magic inside of her.

Flashback - Camelot...

At Granny's, Emma was sitting outside making a dreamcatcher while everyone else was inside.

Brooke looked at Emme out the window then turned to Merlin, "So, you can really do it... Take the dark one dagger and put it together with Arthur's sword to recreate the original Excalibur?" David asked as she walked up.

"I hope so," Merlin said.

"And we can use it to save Emma?" Mary Margaret asked him.

"Perhaps, but I need two things. The magical means to unite the two blades, that's my and Emma's quest, the rest of you, I need..." Merlin said.

"The two blades," Regina said.

"We're pretty much at the open-warfare stage. Now, getting the partial sword from Arthur won't be easy," Robin said.

"As long as you're looking at the future, any hints on how?" Killian asked Merlin.

"Well, the future isn't exact. There are many parts..." Merlin said.

"Of course there are, you're willing to send us to do your dirty work, but when it comes to specifics, everything's a little fuzzy, isn't it?" Brooke turned to Merlin annoyed.

"Brooke, Merlin's helping Emma," David said.

"Is he? I'm sorry but my sister is sitting outside making things to pull memories out of people's heads. As that's what she does now instead of sleeping, I'm not quite seeing the helping!" Brooke said, "And after the vision, you showed of me and the Dark One fighting I don't know if I can! I don't know if I can replace you! Do you know how much responsibility that is?! I don't want this! I can't do this!" She admitted.

Merlin walked to her, "I understand, I know what it is to lose someone you love to the Dark One. All I can ask of all of you is that you bring me that sword and that you have patience with Emma. Her kind of power, for good or evil... It is a weight on the soul and love is a great help, if you can find it," Merlin said, "I know how much of a strain my magic can be Brooke, believe me, I've battled many years with it. Where I was chosen, you are as well. I trust you... Now, trust yourself. You aren't a saviour like everyone thought that was your beginning, this... Whenever the darkest power is gone, is what you're building to."

"What if she uses the dreamcatchers on us? Then I'm back to feeling like this?" Brooke asked.

"Feeling like what?" Merlin asked.

"Like I can't do anything!" Brooke admitted.

"That's not true," Killian said and walked to her, "You can do anything you want to love."

"Your man is right," Merlin said and placed his hand on her shoulder, "You're more ready than I was, that's an advantage," Merlin said with a smile, "Now, I'll go talk to Emma," He told them and walked out of Granny's Diner.

Minutes later, Brooke and Killian were standing in front of Merlin as he was telling them what to do.

"Brooklyn will need to go on a journey with Killian," Merlin said shocking both Killian and Brooke, "A journey that will help you get ready for my magic, whenever the day will come."

Emma walked to Brooke, "Brooke..." Emma said and the two sisters hug, "I love you, sis."

"...I love you too, sis," Brooke said and they release each other.

Darkness Is In [OUAT || Two Saviours Series #5 || Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now