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Emma, Brooke and Killian were sat together at the table, Brooke and Killian sat closely as Emma sat opposite them.

"We have questions," Killian broke the silence.

"You want to know if I'm still the same Emma," Emma said.

"I guess that's not a simple answer, so let's start easy," Brooke said, "Your new house, what's behind that locked door?" Brooke asked and Emma looked at her, "You know we want to trust you, Emma. Why don't you help us?" 

"So, trust me, with my powers, I could hide anything from your prying eyes, anyway," Emma said.

"Well, you've answered our first question, too. You're not the same, Emma, she didn't play games," Killian said.

Emma cleared her throat, "You don't know what I'm like, things change, yes, I'm different... I'm better," Emma said.

"As the Dark One," Killian said.

"I used to be scared and closed off, I had to be. I was alone and now I see things clearly, I'm not scared anymore. Honestly, I'm an open book, if you're willing to take that trust step and get back to how we were," Emma told them.

"What are you saying? You suggest that we should carry one life before you were, despite you being the Dark One?" Killian asked coldly.

"Gold and Belle loved each other, but we are sisters before I'm the Dark One, right?" Emma asked Brooke.

"I don't think you should use Gold as your example," Brooke said, "They aren't like us."

"But think about it, he was born a coward. He didn't find true love until he was the Dark One. He was a man who grovelled and cried on the deck of Hook's ship, he changed for the better, too," Emma said, "Hook wasn't a good man when you fell for him either Brooke and now you're wearing a promise ring and you have a daughter with him."

"Killian wasn't a good man when Gold, met him correct. Gold's actions made Killian what he was, but he's changed and I do not appreciate you bringing up Killian's history of which, you don't know everything about," Brooke said, "Gold became en evil, manipulative killer, due to the power of the Dark One."

"Do you remember when we first met, as children? We were instantly connected," Emma said.

"More games, enough, Emma! All we wanted is for you to be honest with us, but we're done... Humouring you" Killian said and leaned forward, "Answer us and start by why you brought us here. It wasn't because this is what we used to do, because that you, isn't here. You need something, Dark One, tell us what it is," Killian said.

"All I need is your trust, I promise," Emma said looking at them.

"I liked you the way you were, I liked how kind you were and how much you cared for our family," Brooke said.

"That person is still in me, but I have a question for you for once," Emma looked at Brooke, "Do you still love me, your big sister? If you tell me you don't love me, I will not bother you again," Emma said.

Brooke sighed and looked at her with tears in her eyes, "My big sister is dead, I loved you," Brooke said.

Emma's eyes were watery, "Goodbye, Brooklyn, Killian," She said and disappeared in a puff of black smoke.

Tears rolled down Brooke's cheeks, Killian moved closer and hugged her, "Lyn... You did the right thing," He said and stroked her shoulder gently with the curve of his hook.

"Why doesn't it feel that way?" Brooke asked.

"She's not acting like your sister anymore, that much we know," Killian said and kissed her head, "Let's go," He said.

Darkness Is In [OUAT || Two Saviours Series #5 || Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now