Just Pipe The Absolute, God Damn God Damn Fuck Down!

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Ok, I'm just gonna put this out there and then we can all move on with our lives, right?



I feel like crying right now. Like literally I'm basically on the verge of tears.


Now you might be wondering why. Well, most of you know I like watching YouTube, and lately my favourites have been danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil.

Now, some of you might watch them too, some of you might not, but those of you who do will probably understand and care about this more.

Their names are Dan and Phil and they're shipped together. Their ship name is Phan. Now I was under the impression that, although the Phandom can be defensive (in the best way possible) and a little vicious (again in the best way possible), that it was all harmless.

That is until I started reading this book, Two Of A Kind (phan and kickthestickz) by phanallamallama, and found out about this 'valentine's day video' Phil put on his second channel. (LessAmazingPhil, ya I'm upset but I can still #casualpromo)

So I looked through the comments to find out more about it, y'know, as ya do, and found out it was for Dan, but it got privated and caused this whole shitstorm.

So after finding that all out, I decided to google it. I googled 'valentine's day video amazingphil' and decided to look through the pictures to see if I could find any comments from the video.

I did find a few, like the one apparently from Dan, but I also found some pictures of people asking about the video and about Phan in general from Tumblr.

And that's where the tears come in. (Also, cue me actually starting to cry and aggressively typing)

I was looking through the pictures and found more and more of them being of people saying things like 'I'm not sure if Phan is or ever was real, but I just wanted to say yours and Phils fans are just happy you guys are happy' and then Dan (I only saw ones Dan replied to) would basically lash out on them. For no god damned reason!

And that was when I realised Connor was right, not all YouTubers are the same on camera as they are off.

Dan and Phil seem all happy, rainbows, llamas, lions, and existential crisis', but off camera, I guess they're pretty touchy. And mean.

I mean look at Chris and Pj, they're shipped and they act all coupley, just not to the extremes. They don't just lash out on their fans for no reason!

Also, something I would like to add is that they promote it. I'm like 'if you don't want people to ship it, first off, too bad. Second, don't fucking promote it!'

Like, they don't want us to ship it, yet they talk about it a lot and they read the Phanfics! (Which are well written most of the time. *coughTwoOfAKindcough* Just saying.)

And one last thing I'd like to add. They live together! Like what do you expect from us! You fucking live together!

Ok, I think that's it. So, as Jenna Marbles would say: Phil and (especially) Dan need to pipe the absolute, god damn god damn fuck down and except that people ship Phan, or get the fuck off the internet!


Now, just like we promised, you can all go on with your lives of being magical tacos and making people viciously glitter.

Ok, bye!×××

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