Chapter One

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[WARNING: This book contains spoilers from the Avatar the last Airbender comics] (If you want to read the comics first, you can read them for free on]

"Eyuck," Sokka stuck out his tongue, watching the couple in front of him. "You guys really just love giving me the oogies huh?"

"Sokka! Shut it with the oogie talk!" Katara frowned, pulling away from Aang to look at her brother.

"Then stop giving me them." He shot back, sharing her frown.

"It's okay sweetie, don't mind Sokka." Aang smiled, putting a hand on Katara's shoulder.

"No, I've had enough of it," Katara insisted, turning back to her brother. "Whenever you and Suki are together I never complain. Why do you have to do it to me?"

"Jeez Katara, calm down I'm only joking. And besides, Suki and I barely see each other right now, it's not like you get the chance to complain all the time," Sokka sighed, rolling his eyes at his sister's overreacting. "Besides, I always feel like I'm third wheeling with you guys and teasing you is the only fun I get. Especially since Zuko's taking care of the fire Nation and Toph started up her school."

"Speaking of which," Aang spoke up, his tone turning rather grim. "Zuko hasn't really been keeping to the agreement. He's gotten most of the fire Nation out of the earth kingdom, but there's been no action in the first earth kingdom colony; Yu Dao."

"So what are we going to do then?" Katara asked.

"Well, I'm going to have to talk with him or Yu Dao I guess," Aang sighed, clutching the reins a little bit tighter. "But first, we have some visiting to do!"


"Twinkle toes! Sugar queen!" Toph exclaimed, giving Aang and Katara a hug, then she went to give Sokka one too. "Sokka!"

"Good to see you Toph!" Aang chimed, smiling down at the young earthbender.

"Yeah, what took you so long?" She grinned, whacking the nomad's shoulder.

"Ow..." Aang mumbled, rubbing his arm. "Well, I've been doing my Avatar duties so-"

"Yeah yeah, well you're here now," Toph waved him off. "Anyways, you guys here to see my metalbending academy?"

"We were actually just stopping for a quick visit. We have some war things to clear up still." Katara jutted in, wrapping an arm around Aang.

"You guys are no fun." Toph sighed.

"I'll stay, I'm not really looking forwards to sticking around these two anymore." Sokka offered, jogging over from where he was pulling his stuff off Appa.

"Sweet." Toph smiled.

"Alright then," Aang shrugged. "Well, have fun you guys. Guess we'll see you later."

"Sure, have fun with your chores Twinkle toes." Toph nodded, shooing them away.

"I guess we get to spend some time with just the two of us now." Aang said, looking over to Katara.

"Ew." Toph commented.

"I know right? Sooooo oogy." Sokka added in, watching the two climb on the bison.

They waved goodbye and then flew off into the distance.

It was nearing sunset, so Toph brought Sokka over to her academy building where there were three kids sitting on the front steps.

There were two guys and one girl, there was a tall, chubby guy and a thin, pale one with an edgy haircut. The girl looked rather bubbly and vaguely reminded Sokka of Ty Lee. The three of them immediately stood up when they saw Toph.

Personal guard (Sokka x Zuko) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now