Chapter 2

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The days had gone, and Hannibal had completely left your mind, being preoccupied with the finishing of your newest book. It took time for you to write, putting yourself into all the characters, imagining their feelings, actions and thoughts. You spent time walking around your house, looking like a madman.

You check your diary by chance and put your head in your hands, there was only two hours until the meal. Quickly you go to your cupboard and find a nice (smart clothing). Taking things out and trying them on you find the one you want to wear. You quickly have a shower and change into it, slipping on matching shoes and Grabbing your keys you see Will's car pull up. Getting in next to him you notice that he looked shattered.

"You alright?" you ask, worried

"Yeah" he said, and pulled out into the road.

"How is work?" you ask, trying to get him to open up abit.

"Good, you know I can't talk more about it" he says.

"I understand. Just remember that I am here" you say.

Will looks at you and smiles "Thanks" he says.

At this point Will pulled up to a large nice house. Getting out of the car you walk up to the door with will and ring the doorbell. After a little time the door is opened and you are ushered in with Will by Hannibal.

"May I take your coat?" he asks you and gently helps to take it off. He takes Will's and hung them both up on hooks. He turned and looked you up and down. "May I say, you look rather lovely" Hannibal compliments you while showing you and Will into a sitting room. He poured wine and sat. You could smell meat cooking in the other room and your mouth watered slightly.

"So tell my (y/n), what do you do?" Hannibal asks, sipping the wine.

"I am a writer" you say "fantasy novels. I love to paint with my words, and to make a detailed tapestry of characters, places and events which work together to make a semi decent book"

A ping comes from the kitchen. "Excuse me" he says, quickly leaving the room and going into the kitchen.

You look at Will, he hadn't said a word.

"can I escort you to the dinner table?" he asks, you stand with Will and follow him into lovley room with a long table. Three places had been set out on one end and you take your seat. He puts down a plate of perfectly arranged meat with vegetables abs sauce.

You start to eat the delicious meal. "what's the meat?" you ask Hannibal

"Pork" Hannibal answered smiling.

"It's very good" you say, quickly finishing it all. He slightly smirks at you and goes back to finish his own.

Soon you all had finished and the plates where taken away and coffee was poured.

Will who had mostly been silent suddenly stood. "I forgot to feed my dogs" he said, worry filling his face. It had just turned 11 and he looked really shattered.

"I can take a cab home" you say. "Go look after your dogs" Will nods and Hannibal shows him to the door. He comes back in and sits with you on the sofa, coffee in hand.

"I had better start the dishes" Hannibal said, standing and walking to the kitchen.

"I can help" you say, going in after him.

"No, you are the guest" Hannibal said firmly.

"so?" you ask "It's better than me just standing here"

He smiles and you take a dish cloth and start drying the plates and utensils. Hannibal drained the water in the washing up bowl and left the room while you dried a large knife.

"Fuck" you whisper. The knife was sharper than it seemed. You had managed to cut yourself on its edge and a large gash appeared on your hands which started to bleed. Quickly you run it under a tap as Hannibal returns.

He looks at the blood on the floor and looks at you, quickly he takes your wrist and turns it so the wound looked at him. It was a long gash, which ran from your index finger along to the base of your palm in a strait line.

"Oh" he mutters, he runs out and you lift your hand above your heart. Coming back he quickly cleaned the wound and wrapped bandages around it.

"I'm so sorry. Your floor is a mess" you say, anxious.

"Don't worry about my floor" he whispered. "Are you in pain?" he asks.

"It stings" you confess.

"Then sit back in the sitting room. I will get some paracetamol" he says. You nod and sit back, shivering slightly.

Hannibal, as soon as you had sat down squatted to the floor in front of a small pool of your blood. Gently he puts two fingers into the red liquid and brings it up to his nose before sucking your blood from his fingers. Bring out his handkerchief he dabs his mouth and he gets up and heads towards where he keeps the medicines. Taking some mild sleeping power he pours a little in the water before bringing the paracetamol and water to you.

Hannibal comes in, placing two tablets and a glass of water in front of you. He also turns on the electric fire, which brightens up the room and heats it gently. Hannibal sits next to you as you take the pills with the water. "Are you sure you don't want me to clean it up?" you ask and he shakes his head.

"You are injured and a guest. And it is my responsibility" he says firmly

You suddenly yawn, and soon the gentle warmth, the Sleeping powder and Hannibal's beautiful voice made you drift to sleep.

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