Chapter 19

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"Hanni?" you moan, "Hannibal please let me out".

No answer happened from the other side and you nock louder. No answer.

You go under the bed again, returning to your safe place, soon falling asleep against the wall.

You wake in Hannibal's arms. You don't remember much of last night, you only remember a sadness.

"Good morning my love" he whispers. "do you remember last night?"

"No" you say.

"Your brother is in prison for the murder. He is the chesapeake ripper"

"But you are?" you ask confused.

"You got that wrong." he said cooly. "I am nothing of the sought"

"But you said that-"

"You are scaring me. (y/n). I hope that my one is not thinking the same as her brother hm?"

You shake your head. "no-no" you whisper.

"Good girl" he whispered, stroking your face. "Very good. I would never harm you or anyone. I am your protector and your daddy". He gently kisses you, stroking your chin gently. "I would not never put you in danger."

You nod your head and smile.

Hannibal had won once again.

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