Chapter 9

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You had been sitting enjoying some Chinese and watching some TV show called ref dwarf. You where tired however and went to bed early

You woke up to your house phone ringing. Checking the time it was 11PM. You pick up the phone

"Hello?" you ask groggily.

"Hello I am officer Malard." the person said. "am I speaking tok. (y/n)?"

"Yeah, yep." you say holding back a yawn.

"Just to know that a man called Matt Headley has disappeared from his house. It was on record to warn you if that happens as you where worried about if he would follow you. Fo you live alone Ms?" he asks.

You freak out and start to shake, scared he would find you. "yes I live alone." you almost whisper.

"I suggest you either come to the police station or ask to stay with a friend or family member which Mr headly did not know about so you are safe." the officer said.

"I will. I" you phone suddenly cuts off. "Hello?" you ask. "Hello?" you throw the land-line away and scrabble to find your Smart phone. Shaking you call the only person who you felt safe with.

"(y/n). To what do I owe the pleasure?" hannibal asked.

"I think my ex boyfriend is outside." you whisper hurriedly. "he will want to hurt me. Please, Please help me"

"Stay put. I am coming" he said "I need to put the phone down now. Put stay where you are." he says.

You lie in the corner of your room, huddling into yourself, staring at the door. You hear a loud banging on your door, you hear glass smashing and banging from downstairs. You moan in fear, rolling under the bed to hide yourself, huddling further into the wall.

Suddenly everything goes silent but you stay under your bed shaking.

Hannibal was happy with the amount of noise he had made. "Just to scare her" he thinks. "The ends justify the means."

Quickly he unlocks the door and runs up the stairs to your room. Quietly opening the door he looks around for you and hears gentle sobs coming from under the bed. Kneeling down he sees you, huddled against the wall, your hands over your ears.

"oh (y/n)" he says, holding out his hand. "Its Hannibal. I'm here. I will keep you safe".

You took his hand and Hannibal wrapped his arms around you. You shook like a leaf against him. "Calm Kitten. Calm" he whispered. "I got you. I will take you home" he lifted you and walked out, locking the door behind him and putting you into the car.

Hannibal drove quickly back to his and carried you in, sitting you down on the sofa he wrapped a snuggly blanket around you and made you some hot chocolate which he put sleeping power in.

"(y/n), drink it" he cooed, placing it in front of you. You still shook, not fully understand what was happening. "(y/n), can you here me?" he asked, kneeling in font of you and stroking your hair.

"Are we safe?" you ask.

"Yes. I will protect you" he said. "You are mine and I will never let you go. I think you should sleep this horrible night off you".

You nod hazily and he gently picks you up and lays you in a spare room. "Please stay" you moan. Hannibal looks down at you, you had immense fear in your eyes. "I don't want to be alone. Please"

Hannibal looked down slipped under the blankets and wrapped his arms around you and allowed you to nuzzle your face onto his chest "I got you baby".

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