Chapter 10

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You woke, dread still on your heart and stomach you opened your eyes to see blackness. Confused for a second you pull away to find your face had been nuzzled into Hannibal's neck.

You regret pulling away as the movement woke Hannibal up. "morning my dear, how did you sleep?" he asked, stroking some of your hair from your face.

"Not well. I feel awful." you murmer.

"Then more sleep is needed." he said. "I have work today but I assure you the house is safe and I am on the end of the phone"

You nuzzle into the cushions and he smiles. Gently he kisses your head. you look up at him and jump up to peck him on the lips. He smirks at you movement but backs off.

"Sleep"he commands and walks out of the room.

You woke feeling much better, looking at a clock it said it was 12:30. Getting out of bed you adjust your clothes and wander down to the kitchen. A little note was on the side which informed you of some breakfast in the oven which was staying warm.

You take the oven gloves and take out a stack of perfectly formed pancakes. They had cut up bits of meat, olives and leeks to make it even better.

You finish the plate and decide to explore his house. It was quite large and was exquisitely furnished. You go back to the sitting room, finding the remote you switch through channels. You try to hide from the windows. Scared just incase you would be seen by Matt. You just wanted Hannibal home, he kept you safe and when he was around you seemed to forget your trauma and pain.

You take a book from one of his shelves at random and start reading it. It seemed very interesting, talking about psychology and it's relation to religion and philosophy. You got some ideas for your book, and finding a pen and paper you copy some ideas.

Hearing the door unlock you quickly duck behind the sofa, terrified and shivering. Hannibal came into the room and you peeked your head above the hand rest.

Hannibal raised his eyebrows, striding over to you he picks you up.

"What where you doing?" he questions.

"I-I don't know" you stutter relived.

"You must be hungry dear" he said "Let me make you something"

Placing a kiss on your forehead he puts you down.

"Let me help" you say, following him into the kitchen.

"I am making a beef stew" he said. "It will warm you up. Not that you aren't already. Warm" he stared at you with a deep longing but snapped his eyes away and got some meat out from the fridge and other ingredients.

"If you want to stay here" he said. "We will need to get your essentials from your home. "

You go white and shake your head "What if he is waiting?" you stutter. "Waiting to kill me?

"I would not suggest the idea of I knew you where going alone" he said. "I will be there."

You nod your head and calm down abit, watching him cut the ingredients with great skill and pace.

Somehow he managed to make a rich broth look classy, and placing it in front of you, you marveled at its presentation. The broth was so good, the meat tender and sauce rich and deep.

"Oh Hannibal" you say "I have no idea how to thank you for everything you have done for me"

"Do not mention it" Hannibal said, taking a sip of his wine. "You deserve all which I give you"

"I'm not sure about that" you say, poking your food. "I am just a waste of space, in the end. I'm not worth it" you put down your fork and put your head in your hands.

You hear a chair scraping against the floor and arms wrap around you, moving you to face him "Don't you say that (y/n)"

"why?" you ask

"You cannot control with respect to whom you fall in love." he said, lifting your chin and placing a kiss on your lips.

"I love you too" you whisper, smiling down at Hannibal who crouched in front of you, his hand slipped onto your own which rested on your lap and laced his hands in yours. He grinned, his whole face lightning up.

"Come let us finish the meal" he said, standing and kissing your lips again, resting his hand under your chin before whisking it away as he took his lips of yours. "Or it will go cold".

You go back to eating, grinning sightly at what had happened.

"Have you got any pudding?" you ask.

"unfortunately I do not have much of a sweet tooth" he said "But if you wish I can arrange for some"

"I will make something" you declare. "I'm only really good at making cake" you say.

"Then the kitchen is all yours." he said.

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