Chapter 8

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Turns out you where just being a clutz, your phone was in your bag after all, when you called it from your house phone. Picking it up you check for any messages. None.

You go downstairs and make some breakfast. Just some toast and spread which you eat while flicking through channels. You watch this TV show called Father Ted and you laughed along with most of it. You had felt better now that you had talked to Hannibal about what had happened in your life, it was like he understood and wanted to help you though it.

You put your plate on the side and checking the time, you decide to take the bus to the museum. It was a Saturday so kids swarmed round the entrance with their parents. Pushing through them you catch a glimpse of Hannibal. You walk over to him, trying to not trip over the amount of children running around.

"Good day" Hannibal said "How was your night?" he asked.

"It was okay, I was really worried I had lost my phone but turns out I was just being stupid. It was in my bag after all" you giggle.

"Let me assure you, you are the  opposite of stupid" he said. "You are wearing a new perfume" he said gently he took your arm and took a deep sniff of your wrist. "hmm" he said "Very nice"

"Thank you" you smile and he let your arm go "Shall we go in?" you ask.


You go around the museum with Hannibal. He seemed very interested in all that was there, especially the small display of medieval weapons which he intensely studied before moving away.

"intriguing" he mused. Taking your arm in his and finishing looking around the museum

"Very" you say

"Well this is where I take me leave." Hannibal said checking his watch. "I have a meeting with your brother in half an hour."

"Give him my love" you say.

"Of course" Hannibal answers and kisses your hand. He quickly walks of and you go home.

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