Chapter 15 - You Say No

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Warning : your death (oof)

You look up at him ".. No" you say "I do not understand you one bit" you say getting up and heading to the door. "And I'm going to leave"

You try to open the door but it was locked turning round you see Hannibal slowly stalking you. "I thought like your brother you could understand." he said "understand why I do what I do" he laughed slightly. "I love you, but I must do this" he said, pulling out the knife "I will treat your body with the utmost respect I assure you. It wouldn't hurt, I will make it quick for you."

"Because you love me?" you hiss, running to the stairs and backing up them.

"Because I love you more than life, but you are trying to leave, me and my protection. You do not understand why which makes me sad".

"If you love me then you can let me go" you say, your voice quivering.

"I don't just love you" Hannibal said "I am obsessed with every part of you." with that he lunged at you and grabbed you, pulling you into him he puts the knife gently to your throat.

"don't be sad" hannibal whispered "You will be with me forever. I will never forget, the girl who found me out" he kissed your head as he slit your throat and you collapsed dead onto him.

"Oh my baby" he whispered. "Such fun you have been".

He did respect your body, taking his time to remove your organs. He took them all out, and filled the holes with flower petals of the Lilly. He gently stitched the cuts he had made and took you to the burial place. He never wanted anyone to find you, so he buried you in a deep grave and made a cross of sticks which he put next to it.

He travelled to Will's House first, putting on a tone of worry and sadness which a part of his brain really was. "Hannibal?" will asked

"It's (y/n), she ran out. I think it was the ptsd" Hannibal said "I can't find her. She may be coming here"

"I haven't seen her" Will said looking up "At need to find her before the ripper does"

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