Chapter 6

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Warning : talks about abuse

Hannibal pulled up to his house and led you inside.

"I had no idea you had such a developed taste in literature Ms (y/n)" he said. "Tales of tragedy." he looked back at you and you smile, handing you a glass of red wine.

"What do you enjoy about it?" you ask, the shadow of a cheeky smile on your lips. This was your design.

"The relationships between characters are so strong. It is like the author, Michal Graham has become them and seen through their eyes." he smiles. "You would know what that is like. If you have the same powers of you brother"

"Yes I do know what that is like" you say. "and that is why I love the relationship between Meredith and Francis" you say

"I do not recall a character of the name Francis" he says, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Oh yes. Francis is yet to be seen" you smirk and start to laugh. The game you had been playing was funny but it had to come to an end. "Michal Graham is a pen name" you say.

Hannibal's eyes grew in realisation and he smirked. "You where playing with me"

"I sometimes enjoy seeing people's disgruntled faces." you smile "And for a person as clever as you are, you aren't likely to see it often"

"You are very clever Mr Graham" he said. "Where does this name originate?"

"It was my late father's" you say. "Before my mother ran and married" you look down. "It was a way of honouring him"

Your chin is lifted by hannibal and he stares at you. "I see past pain in your beautiful eyes" he whispers. "You have missed meeting your father haven't you?"

You nod, trying to hold back tears.

"Let your tears flow my dear" he cooed. "There is no reason to stop them".

You started to shed tears and Hannibal stared at them. Gently he wiped them away with his thumb as a timer tinged.

"I will be back" he said, standing he walks into the kitchen and sucked at his thumb, making sure he had lapped up all of what was on it. Satisfied he washed his hands and put the finishing touches on (Your favourite meal).

Popping his head around the corner of the room he calls you through. By this time your tears had gone and you where smiling again. Going up you him you look down at the two plates of food.

"Wow Hannibal. This looks perfect" he smirks slightly and the two plates in hand walks into the dining room. You sat opposite him and look down at the delicious meal"

"Le diner est servi" he said.

"Merci gentilhomme" you reply.

"So tell me about your mother" he says

You laugh a little and sigh. "She hated me since the minute I was brought out of the womb. I was a mistake you see, and she never failed to remind me of that fact". You sigh "I never got to see Will. We share fathers, and I was born a basterd so I whisked away by my mother. She married a man who both verbally and physically abused me. I came out with anxiety, depression and body dysmorphia. I made these stories in my head, to escape. Which is what I write about." you look down." I started therapy at 12, and finished when I was 23. But I still feel it sometimes." you rub your arms

"Understandable you would feel it." Hannibal said "Mental scars such as yours will be prevalent even after therapy".

"But, if you need to talk further, I am here" he smiles

"Thank you very much. I would then start having to call you Doctor Lector" you laugh

Hannibal gave a bemused look and sipped his wine.

You finish the meal in silence and sit back satisfied. "Thank you Hannibal, I haven't had anything as good. Since" you think "I'm not sure" you giggle.

"You should tell me more about you" Hannibal said. "Over coffee?" he asks.

"I would like that very much" you say

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