Chapter 5

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You got changed into nice (smart outfit) and look at yourself in a mirror.

"Ugh" you think "I look awful...".  You had always had not liked your body in some places but today you felt really bad, probably because you where going on a date. Well he hadn't said it was a date. You shrug and look at the time.

You go downstairs and was about call a taxi when you see a dark range rover pull up outside your house. Hannibal got out if of it and you put the phone down.

Your door bell rings and opening it Hannibal stood in front of you. His smile grows as he sees you.

"(y/n)" he gently kisses your hand and with the other hand pulls a bouquet of flowers from behind his back.

"Thank you" you say going a little red, taking the bouquet. "Come in" you say.

He followed you inside, his eyes flit around the room. There had been no change and he smiles at that.

"We cannot stay long, it starts soon" Hannibal says looking at his watch

"Yes" you say, getting you coat on and Grabbing your bag.

You lock the house and get into Hannibal's Land rover. It was quite a nice car but must of costed a lot.

"I got this specially made" Hannibal said, pulling out of the driveway and towards the main road. "the seats are real leather and there is a lot of storage in the back"

"It must have costed a fortune" you murmer.

"It costed a pretty penny, yes."he said.

You hadn't driven that far when he pulled into a car park of a performance Hall. He offered you his arm and you took it

" I did not mention it but, you are wearing the most beautiful of (your clothes)" he said."it truly suits you"

"Thank you" you smile. Feeling less self conscious. "I don't get told that a lot" you confess "My mother, being abusive and all" you suddenly stop. "Oh dear, I'm so sorry."

"It is quite all right." he cooed "You can tell me more of it when we have dinner. But for now let us enjoy ourselves. And let me say. You are so beautiful, I could just eat you up."

You giggle at this and you sit in your seat.

You watched the production with Hannibal, it was a mixture of classical music and Shakespearean acting.

As the play went on Hannibal had stopped watching it and had instead been observing your face, he memorised its movements and patterns

"God she is beautiful" Hannibal thought. "If only I could keep and preserve her. Alive. Unlike those I eat she has something inside worth living".

The play had ended and you walked out of the hall with a happy Hannibal. He couldn't wait to watch you further.

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