Chapter 3

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You woke in your bed in your house. You where in your pj's but with your bra and pants still on. "How did I get home?" you think, worried. You look at the clock. It read 12PM.

You get dressed and go downstairs. You see a note written in the most beautiful of handwriting.

Dear (y/n),

You fell asleep at my house so I took the liberty of returning you home. I have also made some breakfast for you, a salmon Kedgeree as an apology last night.


"What a gentleman" you think and go over to the fridge and getting a shark box out. you put it in the microwave, smelling the delicious aroma it gave off. Taking it out you eat it. It was so good and you soon finish it.

You look down at your hand. It didn't hurt anymore and it seemed fine. Taking off the bandages you saw that it had already started to heal.

You go back upstairs and start work again on your book, handicapped however with only one properly working hand.

Event of last night :

Hannibal watched you sleep for a little time before emptying your pockets and finding your address on a card. Gently he scooped you up into his arms and took you to his car. Locking the door he drives to your address. You looked very calm, like you where having a good dream. It was odd for Hannibal, he was feeling some strange deep emotion for you.

Pulling up to your house, he picks you up again and unlocks the house. Closing the door he turns the lights on and lays you onto your bed.

"She cannot sleep like this and ruin her clothes" Hannibal muttered. He searched your draws and found some nice pj's which he laid on the bed. Gently he tugs your dress off, revealing your bra and pants.

His eyes look you up and down, lingering on your bust. He snaps his eyes away and dresses you again. He gently tucks you in and hung up your clothes in the cupboard. Turning to look at you he smiled, he didn't want to leave. But he knew he must. His eyes suddenly catch a book on your counter.

"Tales of tragedy by Michal Graham. A very good piece is literature." He looked back at you. Putting the book down he decides to memorise your house's layout and before he goes he takes one of your spare keys. Locking the door, he pockets them and heads towards his car.

"Until next time (y/n)" he whispers. Pulling out and driving down the road.

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