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I moaned into the kiss before our lips parted, Kol had to go early in the morning to do something, he was vague about it but I knew this was the downside of sleeping with a married man.

The next morning you bang and he packs to leave. "I had a great night last night, be good Peyton." His voice was dominating, promising something bad would happen if I did.

He kissed me again, pinning me to the wall. "See you later kitten." He whispered and walked out the door afterward leaving me to place a hand on my pounding heart.

I didn't know why he affected me so much, why was I attracted to him this badly, I craved him and I couldn't turn away. I wanted more and more of him as time passed.

I didn't know what to make of my feelings and thoughts, I knew if this went on I would be hurt again, but I couldn't turn away and I'm sure Kol knew that, and something about him promised danger if I tried to turn away.

Yesterday night he commanded and I melted to his touch, my mind was a haze, I couldn't think clearly at all. Every part of my body became putty to him and I hated it.

I knew if I kept thinking about it I would only succeed in getting myself a headache so I shoved my thoughts aside and got ready for work.

Having sex with Kol was amazing that's for sure but the downside of doing it at least four times was that my body was sore and I wondered how I would function or work without curious eyes because of the obvious hickeys on my neck to wrists.

I got ready for the day, pulling on a black sweater on top of my clothes to avoid the wind. Locking my apartment I grimaced yet again, ducking the obvious coffee mug that had been throw from my neighbors door, they were fighting as always.

I was starting to believe one of them intentionally began the fight so as to have makeup sex,  there is nothing better than a good whore pounding.

I walked swiftly to the lift, I tapped on the floor impatiently waiting for it to open. When it did I hurried to get outside and hail a cab, so I clutched my bag tightly and walked faster.

I found my cab and  I was off to work, something about the day had me feeling like something would happen that would put me in either a bad mood or great one, depending on who exactly the person I encountered was.

I hastily walked into the building nodding and waving at the people I knew from the other departments, I knew I needed to socialize more but when you have too many friends it tends to invite a lot of drama.

That's why I had only a few friends, one I hadn't talked to in a while. The lift opened to reveal Kol Tempest standing in front of me. He winked at me with a mischievous smile, I didn't know if it was just bad luck him being there or anything else.

Since the Fashion department was favorite to the old CEO he had given Murdock, Shawn, Hilda and I key cards to access the private elevator.

I wanted to avoid Kol, I had hoped the last time I would see him in a while was this morning but it was impossible since he was my boss.

"Morning boss." I greeted politely and he smirked. Reaching out to touch my hand I moved so that he couldn't. "Why did you move Peyton?" He asked in annoyance.

"I can't do this okay, I can't we have to stop, I don't want to cause unnecessary drama, you're my boss and I'm your employee, it's a dynamic that can't work. Not forgetting you're married." I stated calmly and he groaned.

He grabbed my arm successfully and I winced when his hold was a little too tight, I squirmed trying to pry it off but I lost. "Kol you're hurting me stop." I pleaded but it was unheard.

The elevator was stopped midway, I couldn't escape. "Kol what's going on with you?" I asked perplexed by his behavior. He forcefully slams be to the wall and I wince when my back hits the rail.

"Kol." I whispered. "If I hear you utter another word to say what you just tried to say, I won't take it well Peyton, remember this from now on, unless you want me to show how much power I have over you now, try reject me or us again." I was terrified, this was another side of Kol I didn't know.

I could see the anger burning in his eyes, was he furious because I tried to tell him I didn't want him anymore, I had to do it, I couldn't sleep with him knowing he had a wife.

But I knew better, it wasn't the time to provoke him further since his hand was dangerously around my throat. "Am I understood?" I nodded frantically wanting to be released.

"Good." I could still see his rage and also the change when he spoke and placed a kiss on my lips. My body reacted to him and I kissed back, I wanted to hate him so badly for what he had just done but I couldn't.

I melted in his arms, he clicked the button again and the elevator started working again. "See you in my office at lunch." He whispered making me blushing and the lift door opened on my floor.

I walked out my face flushed, none noticed my state but I knew Murdock had and he was going to ask me about it and hell I couldn't lie about it.

What was I going to do, Kol obviously had issues and I couldn't pinpoint what they were, we had known each other for less than a few days and my life was changing drastically.

He was commanding, scary and temptation at the same time, I liked him holding me like that yet a part of me at one point would've cringed at the thought, I wanted him to be possessive with me but one thing was for sure.

Kol wasn't Hannah Montana he couldn't get the best of both worlds and I would remind him of that, yet again it complicated my life, was I willing to actually break someone's marriage apart for my own gain.

Could I do it and be happy, I needed to know more about Kol that was for sure, I needed to know why he acted like a savage in the lift when I was about to tell him no to whatever scandal was going on between us.

Wouldn't it make a lot of things bad, wouldn't a lot change, I had no answers for any of the questions I had but I knew soon enough I had to face the fact that I indeed in a very short space of time was falling for Kol.

"Hey you don't seem all that great." I looked up to see Murdock by my design table. "That's because I'm not, I've had a really bad morning." He chuckled and handed me coffee.

"Thanks." He nods to me and began going through designs on my tablet. I swipe on the screen for him and he notices the bruise on my wrist. I realized it was from earlier.

"What happened?" He asked sternly and I sigh. "Nothing important, let's just focus on the design." I try to dissuade him from probing further but I knew it wouldn't work.

"Peyton I definitely know that an accident with anything sharp couldn't cause that bruise and secondly out of the bitches in this building except two,  you actually treat me like a normal person, not the slightly chubby black Cuban who is appropriating."  I sigh knowing I had to tell him.

"Fine I will tell you."



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