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"What are you doing here?" I asked the man standing in front of me. He was a past I didn't want to recall, a man I hoped I'd never see again.

What was my life turning into, one surprise after the other, couldn't I just get one day of peace, the universe was really against me right now.

"I came to see you Marls, I miss you." I sighed knowing what he wanted and I wasn't going to cave and sleep with the ex who broke my heart after two fucking years of a relationship.

"Go home Mark, to your wife and kids, I want nothing to do with you, nothing at all." I didn't want to relive all those memories of him and I, his wife eventually found out and came to tell me to leave her man alone.

At that time I knew I didn't want to be dubbed the home wrecker. "No I can't okay, I want you, let's talk about us, you can't just forget two years of us, we had everything and you threw it away." I couldn't believe his accusations.

"I didn't throw anything away, I didn't want to ruin your children's future, I didn't want them to grow up knowing the reason why their parents broke up was another man daddy loved, I couldn't do that to them and I will most certainly not do that to myself." I pushed the door to close it and he put his shoe at the post to stop it.

I sighed as he forced his way in. "I'm not doing this with you okay, I'm surprised you even know where I live." He chuckled. "I couldn't let you go, I hired someone to follow you." I groaned hearing that.

Why couldn't he just leave me alone, why couldn't he just be happy and satisfied with his family. "You're a CEO of a great company Mark, your reputation, and everything else is needed to keep it that way, so unless you want me to get a restraining order on you I suggest you leave me the fuck alone." I spat out but he ignored it.

"And you think that will stop me, Peyton you were mine once upon a time and I will have you again, I told you I could leave them all behind and give you the life you need, give you everything." Mark was officially deranged.

"How could you ever think like that, you're not the same man I knew Mark, you've changed and I'm definitely sure I don't like this version of you, I won't be the reason your wife and kids are left without a husband or father." I was never that cruel and I would never want anyone to grow up like I did.

"Peyton just think about it, we could finally be happy, you and I could have everything we ever wanted." He spoke taking my hand caressing it gently but I wasn't falling for it, no I couldn't.

I yanked back my hand and pointed to the door. "Out!" He sighed. "I will be back, I'm hoping you would've changed your mind." I scoff looking at him, I was never going to change my mind.

"Never going to happen so just get out." I was now by the door, I opened it for him before he could walk out he placed a kiss on my cheek. "I love you." He whispered but I definitely didn't love him back, how could I.

"Goodbye, Mark." I assert and he walked out, the door finally closed and I held on to the small table beside me, I had to breathe having to see him brought back a lot of unwanted memories.

After I calmed down, I walked back to the kitchen to finish my meal. If anything was going to help me right now was a good meal. I finished cooking and showered, yet again for the second time, my doorbell rang. I wore my favorite kimono and walked to the door.

"Evening Peyton." I could feel a headache coming on as I looked at Kol by my door. "You smell like a brothel what are you doing here." He slightly staggered in and I closed the door behind me.

"I'm not drunk if that's what you're thinking, just needed to get rid of the stress." I didn't know what was going on with him, I had avoided him all day and now he was in my apartment again.

"I was going to have dinner you can join if you want." Somehow I couldn't stay away from Kol, all the signs told me to run for the hills and never look back, but with Kol it wasn't like that.

I was attracted to him which I shouldn't be, the more I try to remove myself from him the more it gets harder to do it. I didn't know what to do about that. I could figure out as much as the next person that Kol had anger issues, and his life wasn't all that perfectly balanced.

So he drank every night, making himself a borderline alcoholic yet still functioning somehow. I felt this need to just help him, but if I did that it would mean I'd get sucked up into his life too.

I sighed and helped him take off his blazer. "Why didn't you go home?" I question and he sighed. "I wanted to, then I remembered the shitty life I have there and I wanted to be here so badly,  no one expects me to be the best in anything." I knew pressure in becoming a CEO but that rest I had no idea.

"Okay, you can stay the night." He smirked making his features devilish, I was attracted to this man, like a moth to a flame, he was irresistible.

"Thanks." We sat down in the small dining room of my apartment in a comfortable silence eating. He had questions I could see it in his eyes. "Did you know?" He asks. "Know what? If it's about you being my former boss's son, no I didn't, I wouldn't have slept with you if I did." He chuckled.

"Now that you know, will you turn me away?" I didn't know how to answer him, he was my boss now and I would always have to report to him at work, after that our personal lives didn't have to mix.

"Professionally yes you're my boss, personally no, I can't have whatever this is or was because you're my boss and you're married." He scoffs making me look at him. "What makes you so sure you can uphold that?" I quirked a brow.

I didn't know what he was getting at, I was sure I didn't want to find our either, so I stayed silent and ate my meal. He didn't say anything after that and kept eating. I cleared the table and cleaned the kitchen.

He was going through the movie selection on the tv, he no longer had his tie and his shoes were by the shoe rack by the door, he was making himself at home and that wasn't a good thing.

I walked into the living room and plopped down on the couch, he pats the place next to him and I ignore him. "Things go better when you listen to Peyton now come sit here before I lift you up from there myself." He orders and I rolled my eyes but obliged.

"Better." I was next to him and my head was on his shoulder. "I love your hair." He buried his nose in my curls and inhaled like a creep. "You and a lot of people Kol." I remark and he chuckles.

We watched the movie and I tried my hardest not to fall prey to the sexual tension between us. I could feel his hand on my back, they were rough and I wanted the feeling. My mind kept telling me not to fall for him, to not need his touch.

"Kol." I moaned his name as his hand slithered up my thigh. "Tell me you don't want it?" He whispered in my ear. "I—." He flipped us over on the couch and he came up on top of me.

"Tell me you don't." My mind was hazy and I couldn't think straight, his hands on my skin, his cock grinding on mine. What do I do?



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