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"Babe wake up, you've been sleeping half the day." I groaned moving to the side because I had a slight headache, my back felt like I had been ripped in two all of it combined, I felt like shit.

"I don't wanna." I whined when Kol placed a kiss on my back. "I got a little too rough, didn't I." He spoke but I knew that was his apology. "I will be fine, I won't be wearing lace for a while, it brings out your inner animal." I mumbled my response waking up to face the handsome face of Kol.

"It's not totally my fault, I told you if you kept taking shots on that boat, I would pound you, so you brought this on your self." He responded with a matter of fact tone and I scoffed. "This is Rome babe, you drink then pray for more drinks, then pray for something else." I retorted making him snicker.

"Now look where that got you." He contended gesturing to my disheveled self. "Yeah I know but one of the best nights of sex we've had in a while." I replied and he hummed in agreement.

Though Kol and I were supposed to develop ourselves as two individuals who loved each other besides the sex, it hadn't been easy to resist the temptation we brought out of each other.

He and I were slowly moving and learning about the other, it felt right being with him and learning who he is without someone telling me, that's how I've always wanted to discover the person I was in love with, I wanted to do it at my own pace, without someone butting in.

"You feeling up to it, or should I cancel our trip to the cathedral and the statue?" He asserted and I flicked away a curl from my face. "It's fine, nothing a good shower can't fix, plus we're here to have fun and explore right." My response had him grinning like a boyish fool. "Great, I have something for you." He announced and I was excited.

"What would it be?" I asked with my curiosity flaring out. "Don't be hasty, its all for you, it will come, first eat what was supposed to be breakfast in bed." I chuckled as he placed the tray in front of me. "Fine." I grumbled making him scoff.

I couldn't keep my hair from my face as I ate so Kol stood up and came behind me. "I love your hair, it smells like rosemary and pine." He complimented as usual and I rolled my eyes. "We use the same shampoo babe." I chortled and he chuckled tying my hair in a bun. "I know but your curls are irresistible." He adds sitting down and I feed him.

"This is good, but I like your cooking better." I blushed slightly at the praise and he laughed. "Stop doing that thing." I scolded and he gave me an innocent look as if he didn't make me blush. "What, I did nothing." He defended and I scoffed."Sure you didn't." I assert as he opened his mouth for me to feed him more.

Eating with Kol was slowly becoming a habit as he was a child at times rather than the domineering man who put me in my place when I dared do anything he didn't want, and somehow weird as it was I liked it.

After we finished eating he removed the tray from the bed and replaced it with his body. "Babe you do know I need to shower right." He didn't move and I wondered what was going on in his head. "Can you just hold me like this and do that thing you do." He demanded and I smiled toward him.

I began massaging his head from the back of his neck to his forehead, whilst I was humming. He sighed in content as I kept on, I didn't know why he liked it, I had done it once for him because I remembered my mother doing it for my dad once but never knew the kind of effect it had.

I kept massaging his head till his body was relaxed and soft snores came from his slightly parted lips, I chuckled lowly knowing he was asleep. He was beautiful as he slept on my lap, it felt peaceful just being the way we were, I didn't want anything to change.

Slowly I was realizing that I was falling in love with Kol and everything he did, we had only been in Rome for a week but it had been the best week of both our lives, no one knew us and we didn't know them, we got drunk, partied and had sex in the most random of places.

We both didn't care because we were living our lives and well nothing else mattered. I placed a kiss on Kol's forehead and gently moved him, I grabbed my pillow and he immediately latched on to it and sighed in content. I shook my head at his antics and made my way to the bathroom.

The hotel we had been living in was owned by Kol's company, more like all the places we were going to had one thing or the other belonging to the Tempest family. I got started on my whole routine until I heard Kol's phone ringing.

Naked with slightly dripping hair, I made my way out of the bathroom to hunt for the phone before Kol woke up grumpy. When I did, I slightly smiled knowing it was his father. "Hey Tempest Senior." I spoke and waited for his response.

"You sound chirpy Peyton, I take it Rome is treating you well?" He questioned and I chuckled. "Yeah it is, I love it here, don't know if I want to come back." He laughed at my response and so did I. "You wouldn't leave this old man without someone to make him feel twenty again would you." He dramatically asserted and I laughed again.

"I would never." I conceded and he laughed. "I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, do tell Kol that I have received the information and his assessment was brilliant the board was impressed, they will be further expanding into the market there as per requested, so have fun on the rest of your trip." I was glad the business reason of why we had come here had been well received.

"We will and I will tell him, thank you my blaze of glory." We both laughed before the call was cut. Kol was still sleeping as I placed his phone on the charger, I smiled looking at the picture he had used as his wallpaper, I wondered why it had to be him kissing my cheek.

As I finally wore my clothes after applying the lotion Kol constantly nagged me about, I was startled to see him awake with a smile plastered on his lips. "How long have you been awake?" I inquired trying to calm down. "Not long, but got the best view a man could get when waking up, babe you are just beautiful." He dramatically replied and I shook my head as he went further with his antics.

"Its been two hours, your dad called, said you did a great job in the assessment now we can do whatever we want." I spoke up and he scoffed. "Sweetpea we've been doing whatever we want ever since we landed, the assessment didn't even take half a day." He was right, we had been doing whatever we wanted.

"Ready to go on that tour?" I nodded toward Kol as he got off the bed and walked to the drawer, I waited till he came back with a slightly large red box in hand. "I saw this yesterday and I saw you wearing it." He opened the box and I gasped.

"Kol this literally would've cost a fortune." I croaked out and he waved it off. "I know how you feel about spending too much, but I couldn't resist." I sighed knowing I couldn't win the argument. He picked up the three piece gold necklace with two diamonds and a ruby at each midpoint and I moved my hair as he clipped it on.

"Perfect." He mumbled. "It comes with an ankle bracelet and the earpiece, now you're ready to go touring." He asserted and I rolled my eyes. "I'm not wearing it all at once, that's where I draw the line." I assert and he raised his hands in surrender.

"Now let's go." I got off the bed and followed him after getting both our shoes. "Overexcited aren't we."



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