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"So talk, what happened?"

We were in the storage room yet again avoiding my other friends. Knowing Murdock he would probably want every detail of what happened last night so I had no option but to sit down and narrate.

"When I got home, making dinner and stuff Mark came to my apartment, he's had someone follow me after the breakup and found out where I live and yesterday he finally found me." Murdock gasps.

"Wait no way, like thee Mark, CEO of EXFO Corp, married with kids and swine Mark." I nod. "Damn you're in deep shit, like how did he even find you, you moved halfway across the city." I had indeed done that but he found me.

"I don't know and I'm sure his private investigator is a good one to have found me, Doc I'm a little scared of him right now, he's not the same man I knew back then he's changed, I think his obsession has gotten to the bad levels." We both sigh knowing Mark had issues.

"How will you handle him, you can't keep running, and remember his wife who threatened you to stay away from him." I sigh knowing the crazy lengths his wife could go to.

"I wonder why I was the one to get threatened, they're the ones who vowed to be loyal and commit to each other, I didn't even know Mark was married when I dated him, it's so stressful." Murdock hugs me and successfully calms me down.

"Yeah I know that, but you know how people are it's always the mistress, I wish it wasn't like that, better start digging around for that good pair of Jimmy choos because you're about to get in a whole lot of drams." I knew that but I wanted to avoid it.

"Bitch you aren't helping, what do I do with Mark, he's obviously going to come back, if I try getting a restraining order that will spark a lot of attention for both us." He nods and shrugs.

"But what choice do you have Peyton, if you don't he's going to keep coming back, you're both public figures but that won't stop Mark from doing what he wants if he's gotten worse." Murdock was right.

I knew Mark had obsession issues and possessive tendencies, it's one of the reasons I broke up with him, he didn't take it well when I told him we were done.

And obviously, in his head the done was only for a limited amount of time before he came hunting for me again, I had no choice but to get a restraining order on him, big popular CEO or not.

"I guess I will file for the restraining order against Mark, it's better than getting him arrested he still has a family, and you know how I feel about child abandonment." Murdock slightly nods as he sips his coffee.

"Yeah that's the best route because I don't see him backing off any other way, I'm so sorry this is happening to you." I chuckle lowly knowing it was bound to happen.

"What's the other issue that's got you wound up?" This was yet again about another man with possession issues. "I slept Kol." I blurted out.

"You slept with him, again?!" He raises both his hands making me flinch. "Yeah, he came over drunk last night, I couldn't let him go home drunk so I decided to let him stay, we ended up having sex which was obvious the moment I let him in." Murdock rolls his eyes.

"Peyton you very well know he's married and what you have won't last, yet you're sleeping with him still." I knew it was wrong but as much as I tried I couldn't pull away from Kol.

"I know Murdock, but he makes me feel different, he's not like Mark or any other guy I've been with, being around him is fun, God I'm pathetic." I sigh palming my face.

"No you're not, you're just stupid, and in need of love." I glare at him. "I'm not sorry." I smack his arms and finish my coffee. "What happened after because sex doesn't make people miserable." He was right and sex with Kol put me in subspace.

"He left this morning much to my dismay, then when I got here he was in the lift, I got in and tried to talk to him, I told him we couldn't keep on having sex since he was married and it was definitely wrong to be boning your employee." I rub my wrist remembering what happened next.

"Then he kind of threatened me not to ever do it again." I mumble lowly. "He what?!" I nod and try calm Murdock from his outburst. "Yeah that's what happened."

"Peyton what is your life turning into?" I had no idea. "Not a clue Doc." He sighs knowing I was yet again in deep shit. "Murdock I feel like if I can talk to him he'll let this all go." He quirks an eyebrow.

"Yes I know it sounds stupid, but he's married, and my boss, I can't exactly have an affair with him, though I like him being possessive, I can't help feel like I'm the second choice, and also that I'm about to ruin a marriage." He chuckles rolling his eyes.

"Babe there is nothing holding you back from being with him as far as I can see, you're already defending him for his odd behavior and liking how he handled you." The issue remained the same.

I could be with him just not when his wife is around. "Are you telling me that their marriage doesn't count when it comes to my relationship with Kol." He nods with a smile. "Are you high?, have you forgotten you're the one who said I'd be branded a homewrecker." He sighs.

"Honey you're getting branded a homewrecker, either way, what I want you to do is talk to Kol, and get him to see that he can't have the best of two things, he needs to get rid of one." Murdock was right that's what I had to do.

"I really should ask how he feels about me, about all this." I spoke and Murdock looks at me with a baffled expression and I didn't understand why.

"Are you crazy, asking a man about his feelings is like setting yourself on fire." It was, I knew that but I was going crazy because I didn't know what he wanted. All this sneaking around and sex, what was it all for.

"But I'm out here looking like an idiot who went to a formal dinner in swimwear, I need answers Murdock, even if I get hurt whilst getting them." We both sigh. "You're right, you need answers so best ask whenever you see him next." I nod knowing I had a lot to do on my plate.

"Let me get on that restraining order, and figure out what Kol wants including the planning of the fashion expo next week." I groan knowing I wasn't going to get any peace this whole week.

"You can handle it, you're Peyton Marley Lake you can handle anything." We both laugh sitting in the storage room. "Thank you for listening to my never ending problems." He chuckles. "That's what best friends are for, so after work, we get back to my apartment and you sleepover." I was on board with it.

"I'm so down for that." I reply a little enthusiastic. "Great." Talking to Murdock cleared a lot that was going on in my head, I now had a better understanding of what I had to do with both my situations, I just hope they worked out the way I wanted.

I didn't want to be the headline of a lot of tabloids so I had to keep my head low and focus on my job the one thing I did best.

I walked out of the storage room to my table on the design lab floor. "Uh oh, who got the new boss mad." One of the irrelevants spoke up walking into the design lab. We all waited for him to talk and that's when the private elevator open.

Kol walked in, his face ferocious and angry. The six foot something man walks to me and yanks me from my table. "Kol, uh boss what's wrong?" I ask calmly.

"Follow me." Oh shit. I plead with my eyes for any of my friends to save me but no luck. So like a lamb I followed.



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