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I sighed in content curling up to Kol's body, it was warm and his arms were around me protectively, I wanted nothing more but just feeling the immense pleasure and satisfaction I got from being in his arms.

Dinner had been one of the best nights of my life, I had expected Kol to turn into a  beast and ravish me but he just laid me down and drowned me in complete happiness and tickles, I had always wondered what it felt like to have a relationship which wasn't based on getting off of each other but rather just appreciating what the other gave without expecting anything in return besides love.

His breath fanned my neck disturbing me from my peace and my thoughts. "I know you're awake, good morning." He mumbled and hummed without response. "Still sleepy huh, but not for long." He whispered as kisses began to trail down my neck.

"I like this wake up call." I mumbled and he chuckled lowly but didn't stop placing more bruises on my neck with his lips. "I know you want me." He whispered sensually in my ear and of course, I wanted him, thanking the heavens above for taking precautions if ever Kol got the way he was right now in the night or rather morning like this.

I was perfectly ready for it and I was going to let my boyfriend have fun in the cookie jar. "I want you to ride me, let's see how much you can take." He spoke with undeniable lust in his voice and I shivered as his cock brushed up on my ass. "Kol." I moaned out as my pajamas were removed leaving me bare, surprisingly he was already naked.

His cock was leaking I could feel the wet rod as it slammed on my stomach, closing my eyes, I moaned to the feel of his hands on my cock, he jerked once making sure I let out my moans wildly. "Kol, ah Kol." My mind was a foggy mess and the only thing I could moan out loud was his name.

He kept pumping my shaft, harder and faster making squirm and lose my breath, he kept going till all I wanted was the relief he was denying me. "Kol, plea—." He cut me off by his lips, my tongue submitted to his as he had his way with me.

Each kiss we shared, each stir our tongues made when he kissed me, I could feel him pumping my cock as well, he was abusing my senses and all I wanted was to let him go on and on. Suddenly he stopped, in a swift change of position I was on top of him. "Prepare yourself amour." He announced, his eyes intent on me.

I moved my fingers to my lips and sucked on them, slowly each finger went through my hole, I did it intentionally slow so that Kol would growl and pound me harder for teasing him, I wanted it mercilessly given to me when he groaned at my slow movement I knew my plan had worked.

I was flipped over, I was facing his legs, his cock directly under my hole, I was laid out for him. "Don't you dare tease me." He ordered and in one hard thrust his cock was in me, I whimpered because of the pain but also how that one thrust made me feel like bursting streams of seed already.

"Kol." I whimpered as his large hands grabbed my hips, he thrust in as I also slid down on his length. "Fuck!" He grunted as we both began to build a rhythm, he was the one in control, each thrust he made into my hole had me moaning loudly in the morning light.

My body rocked with vigor, sliding down then up to build a rhythm as skin slapped on skin, sweat dripped down his torso as his thrusts were hard, fast, and pleasuring. I could barely contain my moans as he went faster. "Kol please let me—." My plea was cut off by a spank in our reverse position.

He pulled out of me, I still kept kneeling on the bed, Kol came behind me and pressed down on my back. "You wanted this, now you're getting it." I shivered as my back arched and his hands gripped my hips, he thrust in hard and all that was left to feel was his sack hitting my entrance.

Again he kept on his assault on the inside and outside with my cock in his hand, he stroked me as he hit my prostate from behind as well with blinding precision, I could only feel a range of emotions, as he kept pounding my ass till my vision blurred, I was truly feeling ecstasy as Kol pounded me like a whore in Paris.

His thrusts became faster and I screamed to the pleasure that coursed through me. "Kol!" I moaned loudly and he pumped my shaft, streams of cum cane from my cock as Kol pumped it, I felt light headed as the streams of cum plus Kol's pounding all had me hit climax at once.

"Uh Fuck." Kol raised my body with his cock inside me filling me up, my back was to his front but his lips were on mine, as more of his seed filled me and began trailing down my leg like a white stream. "You feel so good, so warm." He mumbled in a daze till we both moved to the bed not caring about the whole mess on it.

I couldn't help the flush creeping onto my neck when I thought to myself about how I had gotten pounded like whore in Paris, it was still something I knew Kol would pick up on for the rest of our days here or even after.

"I love you." He muttered spooning me and I curled closer to his body. "I love you too." I replied with a smile knowing both he and I meant those words, I had forgiven Kol though he thought I hadn't, I couldn't keep on being mad at him, it was impossible anyway and exhausting also.

"How about going shopping and a boat ride later on." He suggested and I liked the idea. "As long as I'm there with you, I'm sure it will be fine." I exclaimed and he chuckled. "Why would I ever leave such a beauty, I would never." He added and I chuckled with a smile.

Kol and I were making progress, though I knew this progress needed time, we had that time, and being away from everything gave us an advantage to discover each other, I knew now that Kol wanted submission in the bedroom but never anywhere else, he wanted me to be my own person and stand up if something wasn't right.

I could feel his breathing slow down and I knew he was asleep and I smiled to myself thinking how lucky I had been to have him, to have someone sacrifice for me, and want me despite everything that had been thrown our way and more so what will be thrown our way. I wouldn't think of it right now but I knew once we were back in North City, our lives wouldn't be normal.

That's why Europe had me enjoying it, I wanted to make memories and build a strong foundation for my relationship with my boyfriend so that whatever may come wouldn't tear us apart but pull us toward the same direction.

"You still awake." I mumbled and no reply, he was truly asleep and I got comfortable on his chest to let sleep take over for me too, I had nothing to worry about, I had everything in the moment and I wished it would stay that way, but wishes are as fickle as the horses beggars would've ridden if they were granted, I slowly drifted to sleep with a smile, I was in love, finally.



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