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"What the hell is going on?!" I yelled in the design lab as everyone was running around doing one thing or the other. "Don't you know?" Shawn asked and I shrugged.

"The expo was a major win for the company, we have magazines, tv stations, private modeling agencies all looking for one design or the other from here, so Mr. Tempest as a reward for our great work decided to refurbish this place and a few more bonuses." I finally nodded in appreciation of what the boss upstairs had done.

I walked to my space on the design lab and found it cleared, and Kol's secretary waiting for me there. "Morning, how can I help—." Before I could finish an envelope was presented to me, the smile on the woman's face was forced I could tell.

"Thank you, I guess." I asserted. "In there are your documents, updated passport, schedule for your stay in Europe, and the technicals you'll also be needing there, Mr. Tempest also wanted me to inform you that you'll be leaving in three hours." She explained and my jaw dropped, the woman scoffed and walked away, I wondered what her problem was.

I hadn't even packed yet, I wondered what had gotten into Kol, the news of his divorce was yesterday and he was already leaving, didn't he have some sort of moment of silence for their failed marriage.

I groaned looking around for Doc but I couldn't find him. "Hey Hilda, have you see Doc?" I asked the constantly moving girl. "He's sorting something out with finance, don't disturb him Peyton I want more money." I was sure not to disturb him, design lab folks were party animals and they spent more in one night than a whole month.

"I promise I won't." I reassured with a sigh, then my phone began to vibrate, looking at it, I was surprised to see Kol calling me. "What is it Kol?" I grumbled. "Peyton that's no way to talk to me." He ordered and I cursed lowly for sounding so harsh.

"I'm sorry." I quickly added. "Better, I'm looking in your underwear draw, you must model for me in lace thongs babe, you would look so hot in them." Hearing Kol say those words had my face heating up, the lace in my drawer was from Murdock, he always nagged me about having it just in case I felt naughty and now Kol had found them.

Wait a minute. "Kol what are you doing in my apartment, how did you even get in?" I questioned wanting to know how exactly he had got in. "I got the manager to give me a key, it was easy, and I'm packing for you, our trip is in three hours unless you already forgot." He stated proudly and I facepalmed.

"Okay, I'm coming home before all you pack for me is underwear and lingerie." I asserted and cut the call to a laughing Kol. This was all too sudden, everything had been going so fast, I just needed a moment to let it all settle down, so I hurriedly got to the private elevator, clicked so many times till I assumed I broke it, then sped walk to the bathroom.

After finding a free stall, I locked myself in and began to calm myself down from my panic attack, it was all unexpected but I was sure on my way to having an episode where I panicked and fainted, usually, I had it all under control but this time I had failed.

After an agonizing hour in the bathroom stall, I finally made my way out and walked to the private elevator, after it started moving, I tried to stay calm, most likely Kol was done being a pervert in my apartment and was probably doing else equally perverted.

I hailed a cab and gave directions, it didn't take long to get home, I waved at my noisy neighbors as they walked out of their home, unlocking my door and getting in I could faintly hear shuffling in my bedroom. So I walked in tossed my keys in the bowl after locking the door and made my way to my bedroom.

As I stood by the door I immediately turned around to cover my eyes. "Why are you naked, and rubbing yourself in my apartment?" I asked trying hard to resist the temptation. "You were taking too long, so I had a head start, but you're just in time to help me." He whispered his response making me register just how naked and close he was to my body.

"Turn around Peyton, and give this boy a licking." He whispered nibbling my ear, his hand began trailing my pants and he squeezed my cock making me muffle a moan. "Kol we can't, the flight is in two hours." I argued knowing I was failing.

"We won't be late if you just — touched my cock." He whispered again grabbing my hand, making it gently pump his long length. "Turn around." He ordered and I did so with a hazy mind. "I like it when you cooperate." He mumbled pulling down my pants and boxers, my cock sprung out needy for attention.

Before I could register anything his lips were on mine, I tried to kiss back with as much vigor as he brought but my tongue submitted to his easily, I could tell he had pent up frustration, as he grabbed my cock and joined it with his pumping both whilst kissing me.

"Kol." I moaned as he pumped faster and faster, each stroke elicited moans from me, each time our cocks ground on each other, as I felt his precum spill out making the process wet. "Fuck!" He cursed as I bit down on the sensitive flesh of his nipple.

He captured my mouth again in a heated kiss, all I could feel was bliss as my eyes rolled back to every stroke he made to both our cocks, to every kiss he placed on my bruised lips and neck.

"Kol." I moaned loudly as my legs shook because of the intensity of what he was doing. He groaned as well continuing his abuse on my senses. "On your knees." He ordered and I fell to my knees, he stroked his cock once and prodded for me to open my mouth.

I did so completely, doing whatever he wanted because all I wanted was to please him at that moment, I was putty for him to mold. He held me by my head and thrust in, I choked as his length went down my throat, I stroked his cock from its base, as the tip was in my mouth.

"Fuck Peyton!" He cursed as my own climax came and I spilled ribbons of cum on the floor, thrusting into my mouth again he held me in place as his cock twitched and his seed filled my mouth. "Swallow it all." He demanded and I swallowed every last drop.

Kol picked me up and carried me to the bathroom, I was still a mess, and so were my clothes as Kol removed them. "Let's get you cleaned up and we will be ready to go." He instructed and I found no reason object.

He prepared the bath and let me in first, after I went in he came up behind me. "Next time you try to resist Peyton, I will fuck you till you blackout." I took that statement seriously because I knew he would do it but a part of me wanted to be pounded like a whore, till I blacked out but I would never tell him.

Kol washed both of us, after picking out our clothes, I was finally able to function. "Why are you suddenly nice to me, you've been a prick lately." I questioned and he chuckled lowly. "I know I need to explain, but I will do it when we're in the air and on our way." He replied and I sighed in defeat, there was no point in trying to get him to talk, he would never, but I knew that his explanation would put a lot into perspective.



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