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After my meltdown with my friends, Doc and Shawn kept me company as we caught up with the events of the past six months, I was glad to have someone in my corner who understood that destroying a marriage is not what I wanted.

I was not the mistress or homewrecker they wanted me to be, I was not with Kol as he planned his divorce or after he executed it, we were officially together after a month of his divorce, but still, people would want to find someone to blame and I was right for the picking.

The words Hilda had spoken when she lashed out didn't affect me as much as I thought they would at first, I wondered if that was a result of my own constant war with those words or that I was just used to people finding blame on me, even if it was for my own happiness. 

Murdock had been right though, not everyone was going to accept me and Kol, not everyone was going to be open to the idea of me and him being together, I was okay with that somehow because all I wanted I had, great friends and the best boyfriend ever.

After going through the documents for Kol which we had split so his workload lessened I headed to his office with them. I knew he had back to back meetings so in the process of getting to his office I ordered in lunch. "Is he in?" I asked the assistant who always seemed to have a perpetual scowl and hate for me. "Yes." She mumbled and I rolled my eyes because of her attitude.

Not wanting to knock I pressed my thumb on the lock and walked in. "Ah, so this is him?" A man who seemed to be in his late thirties spoke as I walked in, before I could make any attempt at introduction the man stood up and lunged toward me.

I wasn't ready for a fist fight especially with a man who almost had the same body as Kol, I dodged his fist used his own weight against him in a lower anti clockwise kick, and punched his ribs, he crashed onto to the wall headfirst. "What the hell?!" I yelled as I looked at the man.

"Baby are you alright?" Kol began checking everywhere even if I dismissed him. "I'm fine babe, who is he, attacking me out of nowhere like that?" I questioned and Kol turned with a smirk toward the man. "My brother." He growled and punched the man. "How fucking dare you come into my office and try to put your hands on my boyfriend?" Kol growled as he punched the man over and over.

"Daddy that's enough." I laid my hand on his shoulder stopping him. "Don't let your rage control you, breathe." I instructed and bit by bit Kol finally calmed down. "What's he doing here anyway?" I asked as the man was unconscious on the floor.

"He came to question father's decision to cut him and all my siblings off from the company funds, their shares were deducted to peanuts and he thought we were the ones who had brainwashed my father into cutting him off." Kol replied making me heave a sigh. "Good grief, why would he even attack me without knowing me, it doesn't make sense." I mumbled and Kol handed documents to me, I picked up the ones I had brought and placed them on his table.

I began looking over the documents and my jaw dropped. "You're kidding right?" I questioned Kol bewildered by what I had read. "Is this even possible?" I muttered in absolute shock. "Well with my father it was possible, you alone own a quarter of Xalvic Corp, and the fine print states that our combined shares will go to our kids." Kol asserted and I sat down on the couch to process.

I owned a quarter of Xalvic, why would Mr. Tempest put it in my name, why would he do this, I knew his children were selfish gullible imbeciles but was it really necessary to put a part of his whole life's work in my name. Kol sat beside me and I leaned on his shoulder, this was all too much.

"Why would he do this?" I asked absent minded. "Because it was the only way to keep the company safe." The man who had caused my turmoil replied startling me as I leaned on Kol. "What do you mean dad?" Kol contended, the man in question did not reply as he bent down to move his eldest son to the couch.

"You really need to contain that rage." He mumbled to himself and Kol glared at him from where we sat. "You haven't given me an answer dad." He barked out and Mr. Tempest turned to look at us. "Whilst you were in Europe your mother and your siblings discovered everything, not through me of course but someone she sent to track you, in her rage, she enlisted the help of your older brother and sister, they concocted a plan to buy shares from the other shareholders of Xalvic, so that the company would be in their names." He sighed.

"I found out before they even implemented their idiotic plan and made arrangements, I went ahead with their plan but instead of buying out the other shareholders in my name—." Kol cut him off and turned to look at his father. "You used mine and Peyton." My boyfriend concluded making his father nod.

"Thus saving the company, they haven't worked to earn a dime in,  their whole lives but they wanted to take over my dream, my own hard earned company and I wouldn't allow it, therefore I gave it to the two of you, you're the only ones capable of taking care of Xalvic." Mr. Tempest confessed and I felt sorry for him, his children held no regard for him yet he had worked tirelessly to build his company, the only one who had stepped up was Kol.

I wanted to continue beating the idiot who lay unconscious on the floor for what he did but I knew that wouldn't be enough. "With mother knowing, how did she take it?" Kol questioned looking at his father with a hopeful gleam. "What do you think, I think what Hav just tried to do is enough proof that she doesn't approve." His words were a truth that stung yet again but I was getting used to it.

"Oh." Kol sighed and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead. "I won't leave him whether she approves or not, it's her problem, not mine." Kol asserted as he stood up from the couch. "What now?" I questioned the two men in the room not knowing where I fit in the whole matter.

"There shall be a family meeting, I will draw up the necessary documents with what they will be getting, Peyton you will go through them, they're still family but what they tried to do can't be ignored." Kol answered and I kept silent because this was an issue I wouldn't question, I knew he had full knowledge of what he was doing therefore I wouldn't question him.

It seemed my life had problems popping up on the first day of being back, I wondered if things would get better, I was starting to contemplate my decision in deciding to come back from Europe, it was amusing how life would have been simple, now I needed to make a checklist of all the things I needed to do, to make sure my life got back to normal.

Two men came into the room and carried Hav's body out, they were instructed by Mr. Tempest and he too said his farewell for the day before heading out. "Should I start looking for bulletproof vests?" I joked and Kol snickered. "I don't think we need them but we do need security more now, I was hoping it would be smooth sailing when we got back but that was a pipe dream." Kol bitterly chuckled and I moved to hug him.

"Were going to be okay, I promise, we just have to deal with a few obstacles before we can continue with our lives, now let's have lunch." I soothed and he agreed with a peck on the lips. "Have I told you how much I love you?"


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