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"Easy does it, come on big guy." I teased as we walked into the house. "Peyton, you do remember I am your man right, no other in this world will be yours right?" He questioned and I decided to play along. "Yes my love, I know." I responded and he grinned. "Babes, you've been rubbing my cock since we left the car and I just need to release the tension." He added and I wished in that moment I could facepalm.

"Kol we just left the hospital you've been in for a week, how are you suddenly ready to go, are the meds wearing off?" I questioned with a tease and he glared at me. "Fine, I've got you, I'm sure we can work something out once you're in the shower." I offered and he nodded like the smooth man he was.

Kol had refused to take the crutch because he felt it lowered his masculinity and he wanted to seem strong and capable all that time, after a strenuous talk he finally conceded but he won't touch the damn thing even if I bribed him with food. "I can keep hauling you around like this babe but I won't get time to cook your favorite, and that would be sad, so you need to take the crutch and use it, you need to stay off your leg." I asserted hoping he would listen.

"Fine but today we're cuddling and that's it." He conceded and I chuckled at how childish he seemed yet he was a grown man, the past week had been stressful for both Kol and I, after airing my suspicion that his mother might have been involved in the shooting at the conference plus the fact that we openly had an argument, it led to a fight which resulted in me not talking to Kol for two days.

After trying to stand and ask for forgiveness without ever saying the actual word sorry I finally gave in and forgave Kol because he was hurting himself by standing on his leg, I understood where his doubts came from when it came to his mother, it was the one thing that made her special, being his mother, he couldn't believe she could do that.

It took little convincing after but we eventually worked it out and now I was waiting for Tajil to come back with the final piece of evidence that I needed to prove Kol's mother was involved in the failed assassination attempt on my life.

"Let's get you in the tub first and then we can watch movies in bed." I offered after helping Kol climb up the stairs, Mr. Tempest had been busy trying to keep things together in all this mess, though I knew work was piling, it would have to wait until Kol was ready to tackle any of it, with back to back problems there was hardly any time to just be us.

I set him down by the mini couch in the closet and began undressing my wounded knight in armor. "The doctor said I will need to remove these bandages and disinfect the wound, apply the liquid, and bandage you up again." I spoke as I removed Kol's shirt, one would expect Kol to lose a bit of weight on his body but he seemed massive as always.

"Stop eye fucking me sweet pea and help me, it hurts." He whines and I rolled my eyes. "Kol you're fully capable of rubbing yourself." I teased back he smirked. "What's the pleasure in that, I have a gorgeous boyfriend to make it feel good for me, so why go at it alone." He replied with a smug grin making me chuckle.

"You're impossible." I mumbled. "And you love me for it." It was indeed true, I loved Kol for who he was body and soul, every part of him, he made me feel alive in a way no man ever had or ever could. I removed his pants, the large outline of his hard cock came into view and I gulped down in anticipation.

He smirked looking at me as if he knew every time his size baffled me. "You can stare at my naked glory or you help me deal with —uh fuck!" He cut himself off when I jerked his cock. "Baby do it." He ordered and I tossed his boxers away.

"Fuck Peyton!" He cursed again as I found a position that wouldn't hurt his leg and give me access to his hard shaft openly. "Keep doing that fuck!" He moaned again as I stroked his hard member, as each motion I made against those veins that littered his cock made him moan in pleasure.

I kept jerking faster and faster as his toes curled around and his moans were loud, filled with pleasure. "Yes oh fuck!" He cursed again as lube was added to frey and my other hand. "Keep doing that baby." He grunted holding on to the edge of the couch, his face contorted into what seemed like agony but I knew it was pleasure.

Bit by bit he began the thrusting upward as I stroked his cock, the motion making him grunt in undeniable pleasure. "Rub daddy faster—fuck!" I did as told and increased my pace, rubbing his cock until his head shot back and sack was twitching.
"I'm cumin baby, I'm fucking cumin." He added with a hoarse voice as white hot seed shot from his cock to my face.

"Cream yourself uh." He grunted again as more and more of his white hot seed spilled all over my face. "That was so good." He mumbled panting for air then turned to look at me with a glint if pride at his handiwork. "You look beautiful covered in my cum babe." He muttered and a sense of fulfillment hit me and a little pride.

"Now if you're sated, shall we have a bath?" I questioned after pleasing Kol and using his cum as a facial mask. "Yes, I'm ready for it now." He responded and I helped him get to the bathtub, after stripping and taking a quick shower to rid myself of stray white seed, I got to work on Kol, since his wound had to avoid water I had to bathe him avoiding the leg, he on the other hand was enjoying being treated like a king as always.

The doorbell rang after I dried up Kol of aftershave and was pulling up his fresh pair of boxers. "I will be right back, don't put weight on your leg or else." I warned and he snickered at my warning. I had already worn my warm home clothes and I felt bad for whoever was outside.

"Merry Xmas!" Tajil and Doc cheered as they got into the house. "Uh I'm in heated floor heaven." He wistful mumbled making Tajil and I chuckle, the two removed their coats and I led them to the lounge. "Christmas is a week from now, I was thinking about having dinner on Christmas eve, how does that sound?" I inquired and my best friend along with his boyfriend both nodded.

"After what's been going on in our lives, we need it." Doc asserted and I agreed wholeheartedly. "So I need to get Kol in something warm, then we'll be down in five, make yourselves at home and Doc feel free to start on dinner, I trust you, just make sure there is steak, a lot of it." I instructed making my way upstairs to where Kol was and I found him in the spacious closet like I left him.

I picked out his clothes, then dressed his wound, after that helped him into his warm and fuzzy outfit. "Doc and Tajil are here, he has something to show you." I exclaimed and Kol furrowed his eyebrows but I didn't say anything, I wanted him to hear it for himself. 

After getting dressed, I helped my boyfriend down the stairs again to the lounge where the fireplace had been turned on by Tajil, who also had a mug of hot cocoa in his hands. "Oh here, I made cocoa, I'm surprised this time you actually bought the good one." Doc chortled and I glared at him.

"Hello Murdock, and thank you, you're such a blessing." Kol addressed the ever bright Doc who smiled happily at the compliment. "Tajil how are you man?" Kol questioned and I moved to let them speak, I headed to the kitchen with my mug in hand. "No one saw you right?" I asked my best friend.

"Yeah the guy who you told us to see got us a private meeting, she confessed it all Peyton, and it was rather shocking, I couldn't believe Meredith would go to those lengths, she and Kat were the ones who sent the men to kidnap you, when that didn't work she sent someone to assassinate you, the bank transactions, phone records, I got it all and it's all leading back to her and Meredith." He explained and I wondered how Kol or Mr. Tempest would take this.

"How did Mr. Tempest take it?" I questioned and he seemed sad. "Better than expected but it was still visible that it hurt, he loved the woman, had four kids with her and she ended up doing this." Doc expressed and I felt bad for Mr. Tempest, he had filed for divorce already this was just more evidence that would have Meredith his wife go down the drain.

It was sad but it had to happen, I had to protect myself and Kol from anyone who would hurt us even if it was his mother, it was hard but there wasn't any other way.



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