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Riley Pierce ~ Brave

Jaime Tempest.

The court ruled in my favour, sentenced my wife to twenty five years in prison, I had known this day would come but I never though it would be like this, I had prepared myself mentally for it but it seems I had exhausted my mental capacity still.

I had loved her once, did everything I could for her, for us, to build a home, Xalvic was my backbreaking company which I had founded in hopes that our future would be better and it was, I just didn't realize that with money and fame came lies behind veiled personas.

At first I thought she wanted to fit in, but even those who were of the same status and money were never as extravagant as she was, still, I ignored it, blinded by love like a fool, she corrupted our family with her way of thinking and now it's imploded.

I don't know if I can ever forgive Meredith, but I will surely make sure that I move on from her, find my own peace as I truly need it, I sighed standing up from the chair that was supposed to be Kol's but he wasn't here to be sitting in it, instead, I was there making sure all was well.

I knew I couldn't drown myself in work even if I tried, Marley was a persistent child, he would never let me do it, or leave me alone really, I don't know how I knew that he was special the moment I saw him the day he came for his interview, I just knew he had a beautiful future ahead of him and now he is my son's saving grace.

Persistent in his ways and always loving, he was and will always be perfect for Kol, and even though he had no family he made a new one that he chose for himself and thrived, I'm always proud of him.

It was going to be a sad Christmas, I usually spent the holidays with my family but now due to everything that's happened we're divided, my own children resent me for what I did and my wife tried to kill our son's boyfriend and all her deals and criminal activity was exposed in the process thus getting incarcerated.

We were never truly a family, our bonds weren't that strong, because if they were how did they easily shatter and how did we easily fall apart. I make my way out of the office, nod to the assistant I recently hired, and headed for the private elevator.

I no longer felt the need to be at Xalvic, it was going to be closed for the holidays soon as most floors were already clearing out for the holiday season. Though I'm trying to put on a brave facade for Kol and Peyton along with any who see me or look up to me, deep down I'm sad and my heart is broken, but what's an old man to do when you don't have someone to turn to.

"Have a good evening Mr. Tempest." The receptionist exclaimed and I held back the snort. What kind of good evening would I have when my family just fell apart because of my actions which I should regret but don't.

As I make my way outside my driver already had the car waiting for me, I got in and set my briefcase next to me. "Home if you would Camie." I expressed and the man nodded, we took off headed for the place that no longer felt like home.



"Just sit there and let me do everything." Kol huffed but obliged all the same, he had taken his mother's arrest badly but now he was moving forward, the person I was worried about now was his father, Mr. Tempest seemed to be losing weight every day and I wondered if it was such a good idea leaving him all alone to live by himself in a mansion.

"You know he might not like you relocating him, what if he gets mad, what will you do my sweet pea, I think he just needs space, to think things over and move on in his way." Kol argued but the speech was now lost on me. "I need to do this Kol, I've given him the space he needs, now it's time for an intervention before he starts drinking." I defended and my boyfriend surrendered.

Kol had been healing considerably well over time given that he was shot, he was making great progress but the crutch he would still need for a while. "I'm all set, I packed most of his casual clothing, I'm changing his shampoo it's infused rosemary, boring if you ask me, but the rest of his kit is there, oh yeah even got his alarm clock, which I wonder what he uses it for." I assessed and Kol sat comfortably on the bed just watching me.

"Have you called Camie and told him the plan?" I asked Kol who sighed and took out my phone and began dialing. "Why are you using my phone?" I asserted. "Because I got bored of mine, left it at home." His response made me chuckle and let him do whatever he wanted.

"You made a booking with the surrogacy agency." I turned to Kol and nodded. "When is the appointment with the woman we chose and the agency representative?" He inquired. "Kol you use my phone more than I do, you're the one who wrote down the date." I chortled and his face lit up in realization.

"Oh right, Camie said it's fine, he's still at the office but will be done in an hour or so." My boyfriend responded and I smiled in acknowledgement. "Thank you, baby." I pecked his lips and started heaving the bags I had packed downstairs.

I found one of the maids who worked at the mansion and she offered to help me carry the bags out. "Mr. Tempest won't be here probably until next year, so clear out the kitchen of any food in there, take it to your families, I will make sure your payments and bonuses get to you by end of day tomorrow, have a great holiday." I explained and she gratefully nodded.

"Thank you Mr. Lake, and have a wonderful holiday yourself." I nodded in return as I made my way up the stairs again. "I got the things you forgot to pack, like his watches." Kol teased and I glared lightly at him. "Let's get you down." I assert and Kol lightly hung onto me as we made our way downstairs.

I left him by the foyer and made my way up to get the bags along with locking up the upper rooms, when I got down the kitchen had been cleared, furniture was being covered in sheets, no one would be here in long while,  it was best to lock up the place, I didn't want my possibly future father inlaw becoming a wrinkled depressed old man when he hasn't even reached his mid fifties.

"Shall we go?" Kol asked impatiently as he stood by the foyer. "Okay okay, let's go." I accepted and we made our way out of the mansion. The guards had already been instructed as we made our way to the car. "By the way, the mansion seems kind of creepy and beautiful at the same time now." I mumbled as I turned on the car and Kol chuckled.

"Sweetpea just get us home." I nodded and pulled out of the drive and headed for home. We got there a little later, after Kol yelled at the stupid idiot who had four wheel drive but wasn't using it and threw a bottle of water at them when they opened their window to yell back, I realized my boyfriend has road rage.

"I will get started on dinner, Camie said their on their way." I announced after hauling the bags to one of the guest bedrooms on the second floor, Kol now lounged lazily going through documents as I got to work in the kitchen.

"Camie this isn't home." I heard Mr. Tempest speak outside as I let my chicken stew simmer. The two made their way in, after removing their coats and I handed them both a mug of hot cocoa. "You planned this didn't you?" Mr. Tempest accused. "I don't know what you're talking about, thank you Camie, enjoy the holiday and I will call you if I need you." I explained turning from Camie to Mr. Tempest.

"Go upstairs and freshen up after you finish this, you know your bedroom, I don't want to hear arguments or complaints as to why you can't stay." I asserted before he could argue and Kol laughed rather loudly from the lounge. "Do I have a choice?" He asked. "Not a chance in hell, now go,  dinner will be done soon, and then we'll make Christmas decorations." I added and he smiled in defeat and I smiled back.


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