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"We have done what any normal couple would do on a tour of Rome, I'm bored." Kol whined as we followed the art director and the guide to wherever they led us. "Are we a couple?" I asked baffled by his expression.

"What do you think we are Mr. Lake, some random men who decided to go on a trip together and explore whilst having mind blowing sex." He chortled and I laughed audibly not caring about the people around us. "Here I thought I was just some random man." I added and without a word he pulled me toward him, my body felt small in his hands, as his arms wrapped around me.

"We could never be random, now kiss me and let's make all these straight people jealous." He asserted and I kissed him, passionately, my moans were loud and I didn't care, we finally pulled apart, and immediately I noticed we had an audience. "I shouldn't have let you talk me into doing that." I groaned hiding in his abs, his laugh made me smile, it was husky yet a soothing baritone.

"Let go explore on our own." I suggested and before the guide spotted us we slipped away into another section. "Look babe, these two look like they're about to hit it, like we do it." I chuckled as he pointed to a painting on the wall. "Its ancient Roman paintings, obviously they would depict that." I explained and a mischievous grin stretched on his face.

"Whatever you're thinking, no." I stated before he could say anything, his puppy dog eyes came on display, begging me to resist, I groaned knowing I couldn't resist the look on his face, it was so innocent yet so manly. "Fine, we can do whatever you want." He smirked triumphantly when I caved to his demand.

Whilst he was thinking I began looking around, inspiration always struck me in weird places at times, and it caught on to me at that moment, so I found my sketchbook in the bag I had carried for water among things and began to draw.

I lost myself in my sketch as time went by, it was mesmerizing just standing there looking at the art and finding my own inspiration to design. After finishing I finally turned to see Kol standing right by me. "Beautiful." He mumbled next to me and I smiled knowing he liked what I had drawn.

"Gio, this is my boyfriend Peyton, we're doing it together." I was baffled by a lot of things, Kol had said boyfriend, there was a cameraman with so much equipment. "Babe let's take photos." Kol announced and my shock finally receded. "Where did you get all this?" I gestured to the umbrellas and camera man.

"I have my way, now let Gio do the magic." I sighed knowing I had no way of backing out, we both changed into somewhat traditional roman clothing and stood in front of the art piece Kol was making fun of. "Let's show these Romans how sexy you are." He whispered in my ear as his palms snaked their way to my ass.

"So thick, babe you spoil me." I tried to contain the flare in my cheeks as Kol kept grinding on me, and slapping my ass. "Isn't there some rule that prohibits public groping and whatnot in Italy." I assert and he chuckled. "Sweetpea, I wouldn't care if there was one, you're mine." His grip on my waste became tight as he expressed himself more and I smacked his arm.

"You are possessive maniac." I accuse and he snorts. "I'm just as possessive of you as you are of me, you just don't know it, now let's see how very beautiful you are." He ordered Gio to come to us as he had finished taking the photos. "These are awesome, they're so good." I exclaimed excitedly.

"Glad you liked them, Gio you know what to do." Kol instructed and the camera man along with his team began packing up, I went back to the changing booth and wore my normal clothes before they had removed it. "Thank you." I spoke as Kol came by my side.

"I wanted us to have memories." He simply stated and I felt a lot of emotions, I knew Kol wasn't brutal or harsh he just needed an anchor to keep him grounded from lashing out, he wasn't a perpetual hot head, just a man who was misunderstood and also very loving if you gave him the chance.

"So what next, we ditched the guide, had a photoshoot on a whim, you publicly showcased how you handle me during sex, so what now?" I questioned with a cheeky grin. "We are going to explore more, but first let's find a restaurant which serves the best pasta." He replied and took my hand as we began walking.

Somehow on this trip PDA, and being seen together kissing or doing some random activity with intimacy didn't matter to Kol, I was glad he was making strides in accepting who he was to the world, that it didn't matter what people thought, he was with me.

"Kol did you call me your boyfriend because I know you never asked me." I quirked my brow waiting for him to reply. "Sweetpea, it's not official, but I have a plan to make it official, so don't go on a tailspin in that pretty head of yours." He responded with a devilish smirk that had swooning on the inside.

"Okay we'll see how this plan of yours works out." He chuckled as I leaned on him, it felt good to be near him, to breathe in his scent, and to bask in his warmth. I had wanted this with Kol, without restriction or a wedding band holding us back and I finally had that.

This was the first part of our trip but it was already perfect and I didn't want to change a thing, I wondered how my friends were doing, but it was only a passing thought as Kol handed me roses. "Roses for the beautiful gentleman." He declared and I kissed him after taking them into my arms.

"Thank you, I love them." He nods as we make our to restaurant that seemed relatively good. "This seems like a good spot, let's go in." Kol ordered and we walked into the restaurant. My arm was around his as the other held the roses.

"Table for two please." The hostess nodded as she led us to a table by the window and I appreciated her for it, I wanted a sunny view of the city as I ate. "May I." I nodded to Kol as he slowly pushed back my seat after I had sat down, I set my roses on the table as we waited for the waiter.

"These are your menus, we only sell our wines by the bottle and also these are our complimentary appetizers." The man spoke in a thick Italian accent, though both Kol and I could hear him, it was somehow a bit hard to concentrate on what he was saying as Kol kept trying not to laugh.

I scolded him with my eyes and he looked away. "Thank you, we will take the bottle and your special." I replied the man as he walked back Kol laughed, though it wasn't audible I began to chuckle too. "Kol stop it, it's rude laughing about his accent just because he pronounced some word wrong." I chided and he finally calmed down.

"Babe, he might as well just said ball sack." His response made me facepalm, Kol could be a child when he wanted, a grown man as well, a beast when it's time. The waiter came back with the bottle then later our food, it was enjoyable and the food was delightful, with Kol telling me about his childhood.

"We have had enough for one day, it's sunset now, let's get going, take a walk through Rome them head back to the hotel so we can watch movies and cuddle on the couch." Kol suggested and I was all for the idea, I waved for the waiter, paid for our meal with his card, I wasn't allowed to use mine and we were off.

"Today was fantastic, thank you Kol." I mumbled as we took our walk back to the hotel. "Anything for you, plus it's only just begun."



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