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"Bienvenue à Paris." Kol dramatically announced and I was stunned by his outburst, we were finally in France, Paris to be exact, though Rome had been kind to us we needed to go on our merry way to the city known for love.

"Je ne savais pas que tu parlais français." I respond and he smirked. "It seems I'm not the only one full of surprises." He spoke wrapping his arms my waist and pulling me to sit on his lap.

"Well when you're a famous designer, you tend to learn more than one language, plus I got bored so I took up French class as a hobby, surprisingly I was good at it and never lost the language." Kol hummed as the driver took us and the numerous bags we had to the hotel we were going to be staying at.

"It surprises me how much I'm yet to learn about you Peyton Marley Lake." He confessed and it seemed to put my mind in some sort of inner turmoil, Kol and I were had been moving slowly in building whatever this was between us and his proclamation of seeing us together in the very far future made me a little scared.

Though I knew I had nothing to worry about and the universe always worked it all out in the end, I couldn't help but to be a little insecure, I hadn't believed in the concept of love in a long while and now here I was on the lap of a beast in bed, in the city dedicated to love and falling for that said beast.

It made me question if everything was going to be okay if it went on like this, it was a perfect life to live in the moment and also be where people don't know you, but what would happen once this bubble we were in bursts as we go back home, what then, I sighed knowing I was stressing myself over something that could be talked over and resolved.

So I curled more onto Kol's body and listened to his heartbeat as my head lay on his chest and his breath fanned a bit of my neck. "This feels good." He mumbled and I agreed silently, we didn't need words in that moment we just needed each other, to feel what the other felt and to just relish in it.

"There is a dinner party being held once we're home in about ten weeks from now, my mother and father are hosting or with their friends, would you be so kind as to be my date." Kol announced and I chuckled slightly. "Isn't it a little too early to ask me to be your date, the party is two and half months away." I chortled further and he chuckled as well.

"No I'm just calling it now so that when I drag you to the party and you wonder why I was dragging you there without asking, I would remind you that I had indeed asked you." He proudly stated and I laughed as the car came to a stop. "Arent you a smart boy." I asserted and he ground his cock onto my bottom.

"A big one too." He adds and I scoffed knowing that I was further stroking his already inflated ego if I acknowledged his statement. "You don't have to say it now, but you will when I'm balls deep in you." He whispered in my ear and I moved my body over his cock making him groan. "Merde." I chuckled when he cursed under his breath.

I hopped out of the car before anything else happened which would end up attracting attention, a car rocking back and forth wouldn't go unnoticed, and since we were in Paris, I'm sure the locals would know what would be going on.

"Peyton we need to send some of this stuff back home, and don't argue three quarters of the clothes here are yours and yet somehow you wear mine half the time." He contended and I had no choice but to agree with him, I had been shopping like a maniac but when you're going from Rome to the fashion capital of the world who wouldn't shop till they dropped.

"I will get on it, Sir." I replied and Kol eyed me suspiciously before going back to talking with the driver, I picked out the bags Kol and I would need most, and then left the ones I knew had to be sent to my apartment in North City, I was going to send more bags back, it was obvious, and what best friend wouldn't shop for their cute best friend and his cat.

"I'm done, take these inside and the rest send them to my address, I'm sure Mr. Tempest told you how to take care of it." I instructed the driver and another male who had come to help, I assumed they were hotel staff with their uniforms.

I took Kol's bag with his documents and my own and started heading up to the assigned suite after getting checked in, I kept clicking the lift button till yet again I assumed I might've broken the damn thing, when it finally opened I walked in with my beast right behind me. "Your ass looks great babe, I might just miss dinner and have you instead." He squeezed my ass and I muffled a moan.

"Kol please —ah." I moaned loudly as the lift opened, two people who were in the hall looked at us and smiled mischievously and went back to their own business, I wondered if public groping was a thing in the place we were in.

"Drop the bags in, we have to go." Kol instructed as we got to the suite and I wondered what was going on in his head. "Où allons-nous?" I questioned with a tease my accent spilling out as I did so. "Dîner à la tour de l'amour." His response had me placing everything on the bed and rushing to the bathroom.

I immediately cleaned up and refreshed myself, if I knew correctly Kol meant we were having dinner at the Eiffel tower and I had always wanted to have a meal there and have that memory for life. "Babe you ready, reservation in thirty." Kol announced as he walked into the bathroom.

I immediately zipped up my pants and fixed my jacket. "Peyton I literally shit with you in the bathroom with me, we've gone past so many comfort zones and boundaries now." I slightly chuckled at what he assumed I was doing. "No it's not that, I'm trying to make sure we aren't late, now come on." I dragged Kol out of the room after applying gel on my hands.

"Peyton." Kol growled my name and I knew I was too eager for my own good. "Slowly, now come on." I locked the door and we left the hotel like normal people and not the over eager me, the driver took us there, and I barely kept a handle on myself but with one look from Kol I sat down like an obedient child.

"Welcome, let me escort you to your table, we have the preordered wine from our selection as your starter and your meals will be with you shortly." I nodded to the man with the heavy french accent but was able to retain a bit of his english without messing it up. "Did you?" I questioned Kol when I saw a reserved table. "Yes." He replied and I smiled happily as he helped me with my seat like a gentleman.

"Je vous remercie." I spoke kindly and Kol nodded as he sat down as well. "How do you like it?" Kol queried as I snuck in my hundredth photo and live video to Doc. "I love it, thank you." I responded putting away my phone and focusing on Kol.

"Peyton, I know I hurt you and I know I don't deserve this, but thank you for not pushing me away and giving us a chance even if I screwed up major, I know a fancy dinner won't fix it but I'm hoping you'll see that I'm trying, this is all new territory for me." Kol's words rung out in my head, he had been sincere since the beginning of this whole trip.

I had avoided the topic of what he did for as much as I can, but I knew at some point we would have to talk about it, before I could reply the meals were served and we ate in a comfortable silence and at times sharing a joke or him stealing my meat.

"How was dinner, Mr. Lake?" He questioned as we stood by one of the rails of the tower overlooking the city. "It was lovely." I responded and he smiled. "Kol I know you're trying and I forgive you for making feel like that, I know you won't believe that I've forgiven you just yet but I have." I asserted and placed a kiss on his lips which became heated.

"Will you be my boyfriend officially?" Kol asked as we parted and I was amused by how he seemed nervous. "Yes, I will be your official boyfriend." I exclaimed and we both met halfway with the heated kiss.

"Je t'aime Peyton." He mumbled and I froze. "Tu m'aimes?" I questioned and he shook his head. "God yes Peyton, I love you." My initial shock wore off as I realized I loved him too. "Je ne sais pas comment dire ça Peyton, mais Je suis tombé amoureux de toi, je t'aime." He confessed in language I never thought I'd hear that confession in and it sounded beautiful.

"Je ne veux personne d'autre que toi Kol, je t'aime aussi." I replied wiping away my own tears, Kol had finally said it, he loved me and didn't want anyone else but me, and I sure knew that I wouldn't want anyone else but him as well, I loved him. "Let's get you home, and we can see how much you want me." I was on board with that.



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