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After the abysmal first meeting with Mr. Tempest's oldest son, I was not thrilled with the idea of being in the same room as him, he openly attacked me which seemed really irrelevant as I had done nothing to anger him.

I wondered if he too had anger issues my boyfriend had under control now, it would be a perfect explanation for why he attacked me, having fought him even for that mere moment reminded me of my past, I wasn't exactly perfect and I was glad Kol accepted my past.

There were skeletons in my closet I had tried to hide and kill in the same closet so that no one would ever know, but I couldn't lie to Kol, thus I told him about who I was before, what I had done to survive until I escaped that awful place. I shook my head and tried to brush the memories away, it was all in the past.

"Hey sweetheart ready to go home?" Murdock teased as he stood by my design table. "Sorry love, I have several designs to finish for the christmas campaign, documents to go over plus I have to make sure everything is done when Kol comes back from his family meeting, I'm still here for a while." I exclaimed and he pouted. "It's okay maybe tomorrow, but hey don't work yourself too hard." He ordered and I nodded toward him.

Just then the lift opened revealing the gorgeous man who was Doc's whole world in one, I could see their wedding already in Arabic fashion and custom more likely since the beautiful specimen of man was actually Arabic. "Hey Mr. Tajil." I spoke making Doc flush already as large arms wrapped around him.

"My love." He mumbled and my best friend could barely contain his excitement. "Thank you for taking care of my baby Peyton." The man remarked turning toward me. "Always will my guy." I winked toward him. "You sneaky little —." Doc accused and I waited for him to say it with his daddy right in front of us.

"Someone is using naughty words, we have to remedy that." Tajil replied and I could see the visible shiver on Doc and I rolled my eyes. "Have a good evening you two." I waved them off. "You too Peyton, thanks for the card!" Tajil slightly yelled back as the lift closed leaving me with two other people in the design lab.

I kept working on the documents until the evening rolled out and I realized I had completed my work. "Hey babe, are you finished." I texted Kol and he sent back a selfie with him rubbing his forehead. "I'm going to head home then, don't stress too much." I sent the text and immediately there was a reply. "I love you and be safe." I mumbled out loud and sent him love back.

After clearing my design table, I got to Kol's office, placed the documents in the safe, and made my way to the private elevator again. I wasn't the only one still in the building as it was still a little early in the evening and deadlines before the holidays had to be met which forced a lot of the lower floors to stay in late.

As I got to underground parking and made my way to the car I could see several shadows stalking me, it made me sigh and try not to be paranoid, since security wouldn't let anyone in if you didn't have a pass for underground parking.

My paranoia was warranted when four males walked out from behind the cars, I tried to ignore them and kept walking, but that only seemed to rile them up more. I laid my hand on the car handle as I was to open a fist was hurled toward me, I could see it on the glass, I hadn't fought anyone in over a week.

I dodged the fist and dropped my things, with a swift uppercut I injured the first man, I didn't give him a chance to recover when I yanked him back and crashed his hand onto the window of my car. "Don't just stand there get him!" The largest one, I assumed was the leader yelled and I cursed for being outnumbered with no weapon.

I lunged for the one closest to me with a roundhouse kick, when he hit the floor I kicked him in the balls and left him groaning on the floor. Another one lunged for me with a fist which connected with the back of my head making me dizzy, I quickly got up and hurled my own fist which connected. "Shit." I cursed because though my punch had been effective it hurt.

I used a car bumper close to me to propel myself up and use my knee to injure the man who had punched me, he stumbled and I kicked his head again busting his lip and causing him to cough out blood. "Fuck, he's just a little bitch how is he beating you!" The leader yelled again and I smirked.

It was now three on one and I wondered where the hell security was, with all the commotion from car alarms they should've been there. The leader now had a metal rod in his hand and I lunged for him, he didn't expect it and I used that to my advantage.

I punched him making him cry out and lose his hold on the rod, I jabbed his nerve point on the shoulder making it numb and the metal rod slipped, I grabbed it from him, his two companions were about to attack me and swung the metal rod with all my strength, I broke one of the two's leg.

"Oh fuck!" He screamed as blood pooled everywhere, before I could register the person my head hit the window of a car, warm blood trickled down my face and my vision clouded but I refused to back down. I swung the metal rod again with gritted teeth, a direct blow to the head to man who had smashed my head onto the car window, he dropped to the ground unconscious.

I was now facing one last man out of the four who had attacked me. "How are your balls?" I asked as he had a slight limp, his friend was still losing blood with a broken leg, and the other two unconscious. "How?" He mumbled and I chuckled. "I grew up down south, we're taught to fight before we can even walk so that we survive." And that was the truth in my case.

I lunged for the man who had attacked me, he dodged and swung his fist at me, I dodged and swung the heavy metal rod to his back making him stumble, with a kick to his legs he fell to his knees, I slammed his body onto the asphalt hard making him lose consciousness.

"Who sent you?!" I yelled to the man on the floor who was groaning in pain. "Ah fuck, stop I will talk!" He yelled when I applied pressure to his leg, I quickly ran over to my car and picked up my phone. "Who sent you?" I asked applying pressure to his wound as my phone recorded and sent the video straight to Kol and Mr. Tempest.

"Peyton what the hell?!" Kol yelled on the other side. "I said who sent you?!" I kicked his head as he groaned on the floor clothes stained with blood. "Katarina Sharpe, she sent us to kidnap you, she said she will pay us a lot if we got you alive and brought you to her, ugh fuck!" He yelled as I applied pressure to his wounds.

"Baby I'm on my way, the police and emergency services are already on their way to you." Kol exclaimed on the other side as I finally let go of the metal rod and staggered to the car, the adrenaline had worn off. "Okay, underground parking lot." I replied before slumping down onto the asphalt breathing heavily.

I began to wonder if this was going to be the rest of my life or was Kat the one I needed to get so that I could have peace with my boyfriend and just be in love, I wasn't a stranger to blood and I was not weak either well except when it came to Kol, I could never get my shit right, I chuckled as the sirens of police and an ambulance echoed in the parking lot.



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