Ch 4

801 12 20

*sorry if this chapter seems a bit rushed, it's because I was writing most of this in the middle of a test and I was procrastinating*
Wednesday, July 1

I woke up facing my wall. I sat up and felt very excited. It's 6:20am? I woke up 40 minutes before my alarm. I turned off my alarm before it goes off.

I went into my closet and changed into my uniform. I don't know but I feel so happy! I have this rush of adrenaline. I shrugged. I walked down stairs and spot Tobio. I smile at him and got a bowl to eat cereal.

"What's wrong?" Tobio said in his raspy morning voice. "I don't know actually, I just feel happy all of sudden." He nodded. I finish my bowl of cereal and put my shoes on. "You're leaving already? There's like 3 and a half hours before school starts." " it's alright, I wanna check if Yachi-san would come with me to get boba." He nods, I walk out the door to head to Yachi-san's house.

     I walked down the street to her house. I waited outside for a couple minutes, till I saw a short blonde walk out the door. She skipped her way and greeted me. "Good morning Y/n-san!" I smile at her brightly. "Good morning Yachi-san!"  "Oh? Someone seems happy today." I nod excitedly "yup! You wanna get boba before we get to school?" She nods.

     We got our boba and walked to school. I bumped into someone and fell. "Ouch... I'm sorry.." I looked up HUH?!? "O-Oikawa san?!" "Huh? Oh! Y/n-chan!" "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at your school?"

"Ouch! Can I not visit?" Well I don't want you here, after how badly you treated Tobio.. I got up and patted myself down. I looked at Oikawa up and down. "What? Are you checking me out?~" "what's up with the ugly plaid?"

I giggle seeing the hurt in his face. "Hmph! I'm here because I'm ditching." "Wow! The goodie two-shoes finally ditching. Make sure don't get in trouble by Iwaizumi~" You could see the color drain from his face. I took Yachi-san's hand and was skipping to the gate.

I got to my class and noticed Kei looked a bit down. "What's wrong Kei?" He looked at me with a shocked expression. "Oh nothing.. just family problems.." I nod and sat in my seat

~Time skip cuz I'm a lazy mf~

The bell rang and walked over to Kei. "Hey.. um we still have to tell our parents about.. our problem.."  "oh.. right." "Are you alright? You don't look alright.." "Yea um.. how about we go tell my mother right now? She's home, so it'll be a great timing" I nod excitedly.

We walked to his house. Why am I so nervous? I feel like crying.. oh crap! He noticed my tears. "W-why are you crying?" "W-What if she doesn't like me?.." "hey.. she'll love you.. I promise." I calm down and nod. We continued walking and we made it to his house.

He opens the door with his key and we walk in. "Kei! Your home- oh? Who's this lovely girl?" I smile at her statement and bowed. "M-mom.. this is my girlfriend." Girlfriend? Holy smokes that was cute. I look up to see her reaction. She was smiling and she chuckled. "About time" I snort.

He started blushing. "Come on in! You can sit on the couch" I nod and took my seat. Kei sat next to me. His mom sat down in front of us. "So, what's up?" We looked at each other and he sighed. I took my hand and looked at her. God this is cheesy. "Mom.. I'm going to be a father soon.."

She was shocked. "K-Kei.. That means... wait your still in high school!" I sat there, watching her nag at Kei. My mother's way worse. "I'm telling your father!" She got on the phone. "We're going to my room to 'talk' " He took my wrist and took me to his room.

I walked into his room and sat on his bed. "So.. I'm your girlfriend now?" I chuckle making fun of him. He glared at me. We had some small talk and then his mom called us to the living room.

We walked to the living room. He was holding my hand. Geez this is cringe.. we sat down on the couch and she sat in front of us like we were before. "I just got off the phone with your father.., it's best if you two got married" "WH-" Kei covered my mouth. "That's great! I guess I'm gonna get married to my girlfriend! Haha..ha"

We walked out the house. "What the actual fuck" "hey, what was I supposed to say? That you weren't my girlfriend and I got some stranger pregnant?" "I.. um.. no.." I look down. I felt like crying. How am I supposed to tell my mother?.. "H-hey.. are you alright?" I reached for my hand but I snatched it away.

"Hey.. are you really ok?.." "I'm scared to tell my mother.." "I'll be with you.. when will we be going?" "Well she has a flight to Greece today, so maybe Sunday?" I got a phone call. I checked my phone and it my sad mother. My heart sank a bit. I answered. "Hello?" "Hey y/n, um my flight got delayed to next week so I'll be home all week! Isn't that great?" "Haha.. yea! That's great.." Click. She hung up.. SHIT

"WE HAVE TO GET TO MY HOUSE NOW! Wait.. how am I supposed to get there? My house is super far from here.." "we'll use my car" "you have a car?" He sighs. "Yes I have a car.. now hurry up" he takes my hand hurry's to his car.

We got in the car and starts to drive. "Kei?.." "hm?" "Were you serious about taking responsibility?.." "Of course I am.." he places his hand on stomach. I was shocked and blushed. "I just don't want them to be raised without a father, like how I did.." "but your mother said 'dad' earlier" he chuckles.

"Step-dad.. Daddy actually wants to see you grow~" he says to the baby in a baby voice. I blush, he's so cute.. he called himself 'daddy' how cheesy.. I smile and pet his head. He looked at me and realized what he said. "I-I um.." I smile. "No.., it's alright. I actually kinda found it cute" he blushes brightly.

<Tobio and Keiko POV>

"Where's y/n.. I'm getting nervous.." Keiko said pacing back and forth. "She's fine, she's with Tsukishima. He's pretty scary not gonna lie" she calms down and sits in the couch. They hear the door open. They whip their heads towards the door. "Y/N!" " huh? No it's me" "m-mom? Didn't you say you had a flight?" Tobio said nervously. 'Shit! What if she finds out about y/n?!' Tobio thought.

"Oh! It got delayed till next week. Isn't great that I get to see you guys for a whole week?" "Haha.. Yea! That's great mom!" They said nervously.

<Y/n's POV>

I walked inside and spot my mother. Shit..


Word count 1222

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